

1、先行词指人时,引导词可用Who,Whom,及that,其中当引导词在句中作主语时用Who或that;当其充当宾语时用whom或that,在非正式宾语中也可用who,也可省略。 a That boy who/that broke the window is called Tom. b The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li. b 句可改为:The person(that/whom/who)you just talked to is Mr Li. 2、先行词指物时,引导词用that或which a.They planted the trees which didn’t need much water. b .The fish (which)we bought were not fresh. 3、先行词指时间时,引导词用When/on which或in which a.I still remember the day when/on which I first came to Bei jing. b.I'll never forget the year when/ on which we worked on the farm. 4、先行词指地点时,引导词用Where或in which This is the house where/in which we lived last year. 或:This is the house that/which we lived in last year. 5、whose在定语从句中作定语时,可用来指人,也可以用来指物,如: a.This is the boy whose mother died a month ago. b.This is the house whose windows were broken.此句可改成: This is the house the windoues of which were broken. 6、先行词表示原因时,引导词用why,如: The reason why he was late for school was that he had been knocked down by a bike. 二、物殊情况: 尽管有以上基本原则,但要学好定语从句更应注意以下特殊情况; Ⅰ、当定语从句的先行词为表示人的不定代词,如 anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,noone,nobody,all, these ,those等时,用who而不用that Those who break the rule are pulished. Anybody who had eyes could see the elephant was like a snake. Ⅱ.以who或which作主语的特殊疑问句中先行词指人,引导词只用That,如: a.Who is the person that is standing at the gate ? b.Which of you that knows something about English doesn’t know this word? Ⅲ、先行词指物时引导词用that而不用which的情况: 1、先行词有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时, This is the best composition that has been written in English. 2、先行词是all,something,anything,nothing,everything,little,few,much等不定代词时 There is nothing/little/much that we can do for her. 3、先行词被all,every,no,some,any,little,much等修饰时 I’ve read all the books that you gave me. 4、先行词被the only/very等修饰时 This is the very/last place that they visited yesterday. 5、有两个以上先行词,分别表示人或物时 They talked about the teachers and the schools that they had visited. 6、先行词为基数时 Yesterday I caught two fish,Now you can see the two that are still alive in a basin of water. Ⅳ.time为先行词时,前边如有序数词修饰时,定语从句引导词用that或什么也不用,如没序数词修饰时,用when或that均可 a.This is the last time(that)I shall give you a lesson. 先行词指人时,引导词可用Who,Whom,及that,其中当引导词在句中作主语时用Who或that;当其充当宾语时用whom或that,在非正式宾语中也可用who,也可省略。 a That boy who/that broke the window is called Tom. b The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li. b 句可改为:The person(that/whom/who)you just talked to is Mr Li. 2、先行词指物时,引导词用that或which a.They planted the trees which didn’t need much water. b .The fish (which)we bought were not fresh. 3、先行词指时间时,引导词用When/on which或in which a.I still remember the day when/on which I first came to Bei jing. b.I'll never forget the year when/ on which we worked on the farm. 4、先行词指地点时,引导词用Where或in which This is the house where/in which we lived last year. 或:This is the house that/which we lived in last year. 5、whose在定语从句中作定语时,可用来指人,也可以用来指物,如: a.This is the boy whose mother died a month ago. b.This is the house whose windows were broken.此句可改成: This is the house the windoues of which were broken. 6、先行词表示原因时,引导词用why,如: The reason why he was late for school was that he had been knocked down by a bike.