

我好累用英语I'm so tired


1、我好累了,做完这作业我就睡觉了。Im pretty tired, I'll go to sleep when I get this assignment done.

2、是啊,我好累。真是漫长的一天。我的确感到筋疲力尽。Yes, I'm pretty beat. It's been a long day. I really feel burned-out.

3、小鸟说:“咻!我好累喔,今天晚上我需要休息一下。”" Whew! I'm tired," says the bird. "I need to rest for the night."

4、“我们还要走多远?”阿拉丁问道。“我好累,我想回家了。”" How far must we go?" Aladdin asked. "I am very tired and I want to go home."

5、我们非要讨论…但如果你不能正确的监测…我好累我不想再觉得自己是得不到我们最渴望的东西的罪魁祸首。Do we have to discuss... But if you don't correctly monitor...-So t-tired of feeling like a failure at the one thing that we want most.

6、我今天好累因为昨天晚上没睡好。I are very tired today because the yesterday evening did not sleep to like.
