
“喂,什么?你找到犯人了?” 微胖的警官惊讶地叫到。
“呵,现在只要把指纹验出来一下一切就真相大白了。” 年轻的警官笑着说道。
“你在说什么呢?警官?怎么会是我呢?” 医院长一脸的无辜。
“凭几句推理,当然不能说明犯人就是你了,我们有证据。” 年轻的警官胸有成竹的说道,“我们已经在你医院的二楼找到了你藏起来的假人偶和你使用的所有道具,我们只要验一下人偶上的指纹就真相大白了。”
“我没有杀她!不是我!她早就应该在10年前的一场车祸里死了啊!” 医院长吼道。
”10年前,我们曾经是一对幸福的情侣,每一天在一起恩恩爱爱,彼此总是形影不离。可是我想到想不到的是她后来竟然背叛了我和那个该死的男人在一起!“ 医院长说着,突然握紧了拳头,”我到现在还记得,那是一个风雨交加的夜晚,我开着车在路上打算和那个该死的男人同归于尽,正当我想撞死那个该死的男人的那一刻,那个女人竟然突然地出来,一手拉开了他,用自己的生命来庇护那个该死的混蛋!“
”然后她就死了?“ 年轻的警官问道。
“你确定那个王女士就是你那位已经死去的前任吗?” 微胖的中年警官问道。
“不,我的前任早就死了,她是鬼!是鬼啊!” 医院长突然像发了疯似的吼道。
“为什么这么说?” 年前的警官问道。
“那么跟我们去一趟警察局吧,医院长。” 微胖的警官平静地说道。

After listening to the young police officer , all the people's heart are a bit scared , my heart suddenly more of a wary and skeptical. Police suddenly remembered what seems years ago , and then out of the ward. Just after leaving for a while the young police officer , police officers suddenly extra baggage phone rang.
"Hey, what ? You find the prisoner ? " Extra padding police officers called in surprise .
" Oh, now as long as the fingerprint check out what all the mystery is over ." The young officer said, laughing.
" Prisoner is you ! Hospital long ! " The young police officer pointing a hospital long.
"What are you talking about ? Police ? How would I do ? " Hospital long look innocent .
"You're made in the lounge on the second floor of the hospital inside the illusion of the crime scene , then you can not see the advantages of the use of dark , with the opposite side of the building in the background , like a mirror refracting the illusion to go across and then people think it is opposite the murder took place . and you let the nurse alarm transferred to 12:00 , is to allow Mr.Chen wake up to see your track , then , that you tricks to succeed . "
" Well good reasoning , but I said rumor , with a few reasoning, inmates are able to explain to me? "
"With a few of reasoning , of course, is that you can not explain the prisoners , and we have evidence ." The young officer said confidently , "We have found you hiding fake dolls and all the props you use your hospital's second floor , we just look at the fingerprint check on the truth of the dolls on . "
"I did not kill her ! Not me ! She should have in a car accident 10 years ago, the dead ah ! " Roared the hospital longer .
"Ten years ago , we had a couple of happiness , every day together Enenaiai , always inseparable from each other , but I think she was actually think that betrayed me and that damn men together ! " Hospital length then, suddenly clenched his fists , " I still remember, it was a stormy night , I was driving a car on the road going to die and that damn man , just killed the moment I think that damn man , the woman suddenly turned up , opened his hand , with their own lives to shelter the damn bastard ! "
"And then she died ? " The young officer asked.
Hospital length did not answer , I saw the tears from his eyes flow out .
"Are you sure that Ms. Wang is you who have died predecessor it?" Extra baggage of middle-aged police officer asked.
"No, my predecessor already dead , she is a ghost ! Was Ghosts! " Hospitals like the crazy long suddenly roared .
" Why do you say ? " Police officer asked before .
" After she had a car accident , I secretly fled, I fled to Hong Kong from Beijing here , then a week later , I heard the news that their families had given her after finishing the funeral ." For a week , a burns patients come to our hospital , I did not expect that, that would be sick and she does not , she should have been dead! She is a ghost ! "
"So right now we have to go the police station , the hospital longer ." Extra padding officer said quietly .追问

Hospital long?麻烦你去字典查查有没这个字 没有就不要乱侮辱英语!




真不好意思 因为自己心情不好就把消极的情绪渲染给你了 我由衷的致歉 其实我还是很感谢你在百忙之中愿意花时间给我帮助 只是翻译机的不标准 有些失望了



第1个回答  2013-12-08
After listening to the young police officer said, everyone was a bit scared, my heart suddenly many a vigilance and suspicion. Suddenly years ago thepolice seemed to think of what, then walked out of the room. After the youngofficer left for a while, plump officers suddenly mobile phone rang.
"Hey, what? Have you found the prisoner?" The fat of the officer surprised tocall.
"Oh, now as long as the fingerprint check out all The case is entirely cleared.." The young police officer said with a smile.
"The prisoner is you! Medical director!" The young police officer pointed to the medical director.
What are you talking about? Officer? How could I?" Hospital length of a face of innocence.
"You were in the hospital two floor lounge to create the illusion of the murder scene, then you use the dark are not clear advantage, with opposite thebuilding as the background, the false mirror refraction to the other side.Then, let a person feel is a homicide case happened in the opposite. Haveyou asked the nurse to set my alarm clock for 12 points, in order for Mr.Chen to wake up and see your path, then, that your tricks."
"Good reasoning, but Words alone are no proof., with few reasoning, can explain the prisoner is me?"
"By a few words of reasoning, of course can not explain the prisoner was you,we have the evidence." Said the young officers have a well-thought-out plan,"find all the items you hide dummy I and you use we have in your hospital'stwo floor, as long as we experience a couple of fingerprint The case is entirely cleared.."
"I didn't kill her! Not me! She ought to have died in a car accident 10 years ago!" The hospital long roar.
"10 years ago, we were a happy couple, every day together, conjugal love,each other always follow like a shadow. But I think that she was betrayed meand that damn guy! "The hospital said, suddenly clenched fist," I remembernow, that is a It's raining and blowing hard. night, I was driving a car on the road planning and the damn man perish together, I think that moment kill thatdamn man, the woman suddenly, a hand pulled his, to use his life to shelterthe damn asshole! "
"Then she died? "Asked the young officer.
Hospital did not answer, I saw the tears flow out from his eyes.
"Are you sure that Ms. Wang was the one dead ex?" Asked plump middle-aged officer.
"No, my predecessor died early, she is a ghost! Is the ghost!" Hospitalsuddenly like mad and shouted.
Why do you say that. The police officer asked years ago.
"After her accident, I secretly run away, I fled from Beijing to Hongkong here,then a week later, I listen to the news that their family has to her through the funeral. "The last week, a burn patient came to our hospital, did not think of is, the patient and she is, no, she must be dead! She is a ghost!"
"Then tell us to go to the police station, medical director." The fat cop said quietly.
第2个回答  2013-12-08

而且怎么要翻译这么多- -