1.My father,Mr.White,often__at six twenty in the morning.2Rita is a good girl and she__twice a day

1.My father,Mr.White,often__at six twenty in the morning.
2.Rita is a good girl and she__twice a day.
3.Many people love to___a shower in the morning.
4.Can you tell me__interesting story?
5.Do you have a___?—Yes.I__at a syore. A.work;work B.job;job C.work;job D.job;work.
6.When do you go to school?—We go to school___Monday___Friday.

7.My father often plays tennis___the afternoon ahd watches TV___night.
8.Xiao Ning is never late__class. A.of B.to C.for D.with
9.___do they play football?—At four in the afternoon. A.What B.When time C.Why D.When
10.I__work in the morning and ___home in the afternoon.
11.What do you usually do___school days.
12.I__at 10:00in the evening.
13.Jane often___after school.
14.___weekends,Iget up___nine o′clock .
15.Lingling likes apples because they ___good. A.get B.sound D.taste

1 gets up
2 brushes her teeth
3 have
4 an
5 D job, work
6 from, to
7 in, at
8 C for
9 D When
10 go to, go
11 on
12 go to sleep
13 exercises
14 On, at
15 D taste