

VIP (very important person) 重要人物,有钱人或高层人士

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织

利用词的第一个字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就叫做首字母缩略词。一个典型例子是BBC,指British Broadcasting Corporation(英国广播公司)。早在罗马帝国时期,罗马远征军旗帜上的四个拉丁文字母子SRQR就可算作一个首字母缩略词,它代表Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and the Roman People, 意思是"为元老院院和罗马人民而战")。但是首字缩略词的盛行,却是现代生活的产物。
IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织
UN ← United Nations 联合国
OPEC ← Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织
ISBN ← International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号
GATT ← General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
GEM ← Ground-Effect Machine 气垫船
GMT ← Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间
TV ← television 电视
CD ← compact disk 激光唱盘
CAD ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计
IT ← information technology 现代信息技术
IDD ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话
GHQ ← General Headquarters 总司令部
TB ← tuberculosis 肺结核
E-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件
H-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹
V-Day ← Victory Day 第二次世界大战胜利日
GI Jane ← Government Issue Jane 美国女兵
PVC ← Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
FRP ← fibre glass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢
DDT ← dicvhloro-diphenyl-tricchloroethane 滴滴涕
DNA ← deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
m ← metre 公尺
cm ← centimetre 厘米
g ← gram 克
F ← fluorine 氟
U ← uranium 铀
AP ← Associated Press 美联社
UPI ← United Press International 合众国际社
AFP ← Agence Francaine de Press 法新社
DPA ← Deutsche Press Agentur 德新社
USIS ← United States Information Service 美国新闻处
ANSA ← Agenzia Nationale Stampa Asssociata 安莎社(意大利)
MENA ← Middle East News Agency 中东社
C/O ← care of 烦……转交
P.S. ← postscript(信未)附言
S/M/W ← Single/married/widow(er)(表格上)未婚/已婚/鳏寡
LP ← long-playing records 密纹唱片
VIP ← very important person 大人物
RSVP ← (法语)Reponde s'il vous plait (书信用)盼复
KGB ← (俄语)Komissija Gosudarstvennoj Bezopastnosti克格勃,原苏联的国家安全委员会
NHK ← (日语)Nippon Hoso Kyokai日本广播公司
e.g. ← exampli gratia 例如 i.d. ← idem 同上
i.e. ← id ext 即 etc. ← et cetra 等等
viz ← videlicet也就是说 v. ← vide参见
G.B.S. ← George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳(英国戏剧家,1856-1950)
L.B.J. ← Lyndon Baines Johnson约翰逊(美国第三十六任总统)

1 CFR(cost and freight) 成本加运费价
2 T/T(telegraphic transfer) 电汇
3 D/P(document against payment) 付款交单
4 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单
5 C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证
6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制
7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons) 纸箱
8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces) 只、个、支等
9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元

10 DOZ/DZ(dozen) 一打
11 PKG(package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等
12 WT(weight) 重量
13 G.W.(gross weight) 毛重
14 N.W.(net weight) 净重
15 C/D (customs declaration) 报关单
16 EA(each) 每个,各
17 W (with) 具有
18 w/o(without) 没有
19 FAC(facsimile) 传真
20 IMP(import) 进口
21 EXP(export) 出口
22 MAX (maximum) 最大的、最大限度的
23 MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度
24 M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的
25 M/V(merchant vessel) 商船
26 S.S(steamship) 船运
27 MT或M/T(metric ton) 公吨
28 DOC (document) 文件、单据
29 INT(international) 国际的
30 P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表

31 INV (invoice) 发票
32 PCT (percent) 百分比
33 REF (reference) 参考、查价
34 EMS (express mail special) 特快传递
35 STL.(style) 式样、款式、类型
36 T或LTX或TX(telex) 电传
37 RMB(renminbi) 人民币
38 S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记
39 PR或PRC(price) 价格
40 PUR (purchase) 购买、购货
41 S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书
42 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证
43 B/L (bill of lading) 提单
44 FOB (free on board) 离岸价
45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight) 成本、保险加运费价


第1个回答  2008-07-24
IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织
UN ← United Nations 联合国
OPEC ← Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织
ISBN ← International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号
GATT ← General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
GEM ← Ground-Effect Machine 气垫船
GMT ← Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间
TV ← television 电视
CD ← compact disk 激光唱盘
CAD ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计
IT ← information technology 现代信息技术
IDD ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话
GHQ ← General Headquarters 总司令部
TB ← tuberculosis 肺结核
E-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件
H-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹
V-Day ← Victory Day 第二次世界大战胜利日
GI Jane ← Government Issue Jane 美国女兵
PVC ← Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
FRP ← fibre glass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢
DDT ← dicvhloro-diphenyl-tricchloroethane 滴滴涕
DNA ← deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
m ← metre 公尺
cm ← centimetre 厘米
g ← gram 克
F ← fluorine 氟
U ← uranium 铀
AP ← Associated Press 美联社
UPI ← United Press International 合众国际社
AFP ← Agence Francaine de Press 法新社
DPA ← Deutsche Press Agentur 德新社
USIS ← United States Information Service 美国新闻处
ANSA ← Agenzia Nationale Stampa Asssociata 安莎社(意大利)
MENA ← Middle East News Agency 中东社
C/O ← care of 烦……转交
P.S. ← postscript(信未)附言
S/M/W ← Single/married/widow(er)(表格上)未婚/已婚/鳏寡
LP ← long-playing records 密纹唱片
VIP ← very important person 大人物
RSVP ← (法语)Reponde s'il vous plait (书信用)盼复
KGB ← (俄语)Komissija Gosudarstvennoj Bezopastnosti克格勃,原苏联的国家安全委员会
NHK ← (日语)Nippon Hoso Kyokai日本广播公司
e.g. ← exampli gratia 例如 i.d. ← idem 同上
i.e. ← id ext 即 etc. ← et cetra 等等
viz ← videlicet也就是说 v. ← vide参见
G.B.S. ← George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳(英国戏剧家,1856-1950)
L.B.J. ← Lyndon Baines Johnson约翰逊(美国第三十六任总统)
第2个回答  2008-08-03
9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元

10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打

11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等

12 WT(weight)重量

13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重

14 N.W.(net weight)净重

15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单

16 EA(each)每个,各

17 W (with)具有

18 w/o(without)没有

19 FAC(facsimile)传真

20 IMP(import)进口

21 EXP(export)出口

ST (Special Treatment) 特别处理

VIP (Very Important Person) 要人

VOD (Video on Demand) 视频点播

WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网

ARPG(Action Role Play Game,动作角色扮演游戏)

AVG(Adventure Game,冒险类游戏)




FFJ(Force Feedback Joystick(力量反匮式操纵杆)

FPG(First Person Game,第一人称游戏)

FTG(Fighting Game,格斗类游戏)


GBC(GameBoy Color,任天堂手提16色游戏机)



fps(frames per second,帧/秒)

FR(Frames Rate,游戏运行帧数)



SFC(Super Famicom,超级任天堂16位游戏机)

SLG(Simulation Game,模拟类游戏)SPG(SportsGames,运动类游戏)

SRPG(Strategies Role Play Games,战略角色扮演游戏)

STG(Shoot Game,射击类游戏)

SS(Sega Saturn,世嘉土星32位游戏机)

PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)




RTS(RealTime Strategies,实时战略)

RPG(Role Play Game,角色扮演游戏)

TAB(Table Chess,桌棋类游戏)
1 C&F (cost&freight)成本加运费价

2 T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇

3 D/P (document against payment)付款交单

4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单

5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证

6 G.S.P. (generalized system of preferences)普惠制

7 CTN/CTNS (carton/cartons)纸箱

8 PCE/PCS (piece/pieces)只、的个、的支等

9 DL/DLS (dollar/dollars)美元

10 DOZ/DZ (dozen)一打

11 PKG (package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等

12 WT (weight)重量

13 G.W. (gross weight)毛重

14 N.W. (net weight)净重

15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单

16 EA (each)每个,各

17 W (with)具有

18 w/o (without)没有

19 FAC (facsimile)传真

20 IMP (import)进口

21 EXP (export)出口

22 MAX (maximum)最大的、的最大限度的

23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度

24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的

25 M/V (merchant vessel)商船

26 S.S (steamship)船运

27 MT或M/T (metric ton)公吨

28 DOC (document)文件、的单据

29 INT (international)国际的

30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、的明细表

31 INV (invoice)发票

32 PCT (percent)百分比

33 REF (reference)参考、的查价

34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递

35 STL. (style)式样、的款式、的类型

36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传

37 RMB (renminbi)人民币

38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记

39 PR或PRC (price) 价格

40 PUR (purchase)购买、的购货

41 S/C (sales contract)销售确认书

42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证

43 B/L (bill of lading)提单

44 FOB (free on board)离岸价

45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、的保险加运费价




(注意:国外常说的debt card,就是银行卡,credit card就是信誉卡。这里都是指银行和财务公司说的,你的银行卡,是你将钱放入银行,银行是“借贷方”,所以叫做debt卡。用credit卡,是你从银行或者财政公司借钱,银行或公司是“贷方”,所就叫credit。)



TC=total cost总费用

FC=fixed cost常设费用

VC=variable cost变动费用




MC=marginal cost费用差额

GM=gross margin毛利

MR=marginal revenue利润差额

A/R=acount receivable待收款(销售后,记账以后收取。)

A/P=account payable代付费(花费后记账,以后付费。)


N/I=net income纯收入


The most common Latin words, abbreviations, and initialisms still in use are:

A.D. (anno Domini), "in the year of the Lord".
a.m. (ante meridiem), "before midday".
c. & ca. (circa), "around (about, approximately)".
cf. (confer) means "bring together" and hence "compare" (confer is the imperative of the Latin verb conferre)
Example: "These results were similar to those obtained using different techniques (cf. Wilson, 1999 and Ansmann, 1992)."
C.V. or CV (curriculum vitae), meaning "course of life". A document containing a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. The exact usage of the term varies between British English and American English.
cwt. (centum weight), "Hundredweight": [1] N.B. this uses a mixture of Latin and English abbreviation.
D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor), "Doctor of Divinity":
D.Lit. (Doctor Litterarum), "Doctor of Literature":
D.M. (Doctor Medicinae), "Doctor of Medicine":
D.V. (Deo volente), "God willing".
DG, D.G. or DEI GRA (Dei gratia), "by the grace of God".[1] A part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British coins.
ead. (eadem): see id. below.
et al. (et alii) means "and others", or "and co-workers".[1] It can also stand for et alia, "and other things".
Example: "These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002)."
etc. (et cetera) (archaic abbreviations include &c. and &/c.) means "and the others", "and other things", "and the rest".
Example: "I need to go to the store and buy some pie, milk, cheese, etc."
e.g. (exempli gratia) means "for example", "for instance".
Example: "The use of a sensor to measure the solar radiation, e.g. a sunphotometer, is necessary in this technique."
fl. or flor. (floruit) means the period of time during which a person, school, movement or even species was active or flourishing (literally, "he/she/it flourished").
F D or FID DEF (fidei defensor), "defender of the faith". A part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British coins.
ibid. (ibidem) means "in the same place (book, etc.)"[1], and is used in citations. It should not be confused with the following abbreviation. It is better pronounced ibídem, with stress on the second -i- (as it was in Latin).
id. (idem) means "the same (man)".[1] It is used to avoid repeating the name of an author (in citations, footnotes, bibliographies, etc.) Note that if we are quoting an authoress we should use the corresponding feminine form, i.e. ead. (eadem), "the same (woman)" (eadem is pronounced with stress on the first e-).
i.a. ("inter alia") means "among other things".
Example: "Ernest Hemingway- author (i.a. 'The Sun Also Rises')"
i.e. (id est) means "that is" or "in other words".
Example: "For reasons not fully understood there is only a minor PSI contribution to the variable fluorescence emission of chloroplasts (Dau, 1994), i.e. the PSI fluorescence appears to be independent from the state of its reaction centre (Butler, 1978)."
lb. (libra) means "scales", used to indicate the pound (mass).
M.O. (modus operandi) means "method of operating".
N.B. (nota bene) means "note well". Some people use "Note" for the same purpose.[1] Usually written with majuscule letters.
Example: "N.B.: All the measurements have an accuracy of 5% as they were calibrated according to the procedure described by Jackson (1989)."
nem. con. (nemine contradicente) means "with no-one speaking against". This does NOT mean "unanimously", but simply that nobody voted against - in other words, there may have been abstentions.
p.a. (per annum) means "through a year", and is used in the sense of "yearly".[1]
per cent. (per centum), "Per hundred":
p.m. (post meridiem), "after midday".
p.m.a. (post mortem auctoris) means "after the author's death".
p.p. & per pro. (per procurationem), "through the agency of".
PRN (pro re nata), "as needed" in relation to medication.
pro tem. (pro tempore), "for the time being", temporarily, in place of.[1]
P.S. (post scriptum) means "after what has been written"; it is used to indicate additions to a text after the signature.
Q.D. (quaque die), "every day", used on medications to indicate when to take.
Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum) means "which was to be demonstrated".[1] Cited in many texts at the end of a mathematical proof.
q.v. (quod vide) means "which see".[1] Used after a term or phrase that should be looked up elsewhere in the current document or book. For more than one term or phrase, the plural is quae vide (qq.v.).
Re (in re) means "in the matter of", or "concerning". Often used to prefix the subject of replies to memoranda and latterly, emails.
REG (regina), "queen". A part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British coins minted when the reigning monarch is a queen. Rex, "king" (not an abbreviation) is used when the reigning monarch is a king.
R.I.P. (requiescat in pace), "may he/she rest in peace": a short prayer for a dead person. It can also mean requiescant (plural) in pace, i.e. "may they" etc.
sc. (scilicet) means "that is to say".[1][2] Sometimes abbreviated scil. It has mostly been replaced by "i.e."
Example: "I was three sheets to the wind last night, sc. I was extremely intoxicated."
s.o.s. ("si opus sit"), "if there is need", "if occasion require", "if necessary".[4]
viz (videlicet) means "namely".[1] There is no full stop after viz because the -z shows the abbreviation. Some people use "i.e." for the same purpose. However, the use of i.e. can be wrong, as viz should be used, as in the following example, to precede a complete list when the group has already been named collectively.
Example: "The noble gases, viz helium, neon, argon, xenon, krypton and radon, show a non-expected behaviour when exposed to this new element."
vs or v. (versus) means "against" (sometimes is not abbreviated).
Example: "From Figure 1 that shows force (in newtons) vs. mass (in kilograms) we can derive the acceleration of the body."

IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织
UN ← United Nations 联合国
OPEC ← Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织
ISBN ← International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号
GATT ← General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
GEM ← Ground-Effect Machine 气垫船
GMT ← Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间
TV ← television 电视
CD ← compact disk 激光唱盘
CAD ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计
IT ← information technology 现代信息技术
IDD ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话
GHQ ← General Headquarters 总司令部
TB ← tuberculosis 肺结核
E-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件
H-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹
V-Day ← Victory Day 第二次世界大战胜利日
GI Jane ← Government Issue Jane 美国女兵
PVC ← Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
FRP ← fibre glass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢
DDT ← dicvhloro-diphenyl-tricchloroethane 滴滴涕
DNA ← deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
m ← metre 公尺
cm ← centimetre 厘米
g ← gram 克
F ← fluorine 氟
U ← uranium 铀
AP ← Associated Press 美联社
UPI ← United Press International 合众国际社
AFP ← Agence Francaine de Press 法新社
DPA ← Deutsche Press Agentur 德新社
USIS ← United States Information Service 美国新闻处
ANSA ← Agenzia Nationale Stampa Asssociata 安莎社(意大利)
MENA ← Middle East News Agency 中东社
C/O ← care of 烦……转交
P.S. ← postscript(信未)附言
S/M/W ← Single/married/widow(er)(表格上)未婚/已婚/鳏寡
LP ← long-playing records 密纹唱片
VIP ← very important person 大人物
RSVP ← (法语)Reponde s'il vous plait (书信用)盼复
KGB ← (俄语)Komissija Gosudarstvennoj Bezopastnosti克格勃,原苏联的国家安全委员会
NHK ← (日语)Nippon Hoso Kyokai日本广播公司
e.g. ← exampli gratia 例如 i.d. ← idem 同上
i.e. ← id ext 即 etc. ← et cetra 等等
viz ← videlicet也就是说 v. ← vide参见
G.B.S. ← George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳(英国戏剧家,1856-1950)
L.B.J. ← Lyndon Baines Johnson约翰逊(美国第三十六任总统)
VIP (very important person) 重要人物,有钱人或高层人士

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织

利用词的第一个字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就叫做首字母缩略词。一个典型例子是BBC,指British Broadcasting Corporation(英国广播公司)。早在罗马帝国时期,罗马远征军旗帜上的四个拉丁文字母子SRQR就可算作一个首字母缩略词,它代表Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and the Roman People, 意思是"为元老院院和罗马人民而战")。但是首字缩略词的盛行,却是现代生活的产物。
IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织
UN ← United Nations 联合国
OPEC ← Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织
ISBN ← International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号
GATT ← General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
GEM ← Ground-Effect Machine 气垫船
GMT ← Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间
TV ← television 电视
CD ← compact disk 激光唱盘
CAD ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计
IT ← information technology 现代信息技术
IDD ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话
GHQ ← General Headquarters 总司令部
TB ← tuberculosis 肺结核
E-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件
H-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹
V-Day ← Victory Day 第二次世界大战胜利日
GI Jane ← Government Issue Jane 美国女兵
PVC ← Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
FRP ← fibre glass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢
DDT ← dicvhloro-diphenyl-tricchloroethane 滴滴涕
DNA ← deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
m ← metre 公尺
cm ← centimetre 厘米
g ← gram 克
F ← fluorine 氟
U ← uranium 铀
AP ← Associated Press 美联社
UPI ← United Press International 合众国际社
AFP ← Agence Francaine de Press 法新社
DPA ← Deutsche Press Agentur 德新社
USIS ← United States Information Service 美国新闻处
ANSA ← Agenzia Nationale Stampa Asssociata 安莎社(意大利)
MENA ← Middle East News Agency 中东社
C/O ← care of 烦……转交
P.S. ← postscript(信未)附言
S/M/W ← Single/married/widow(er)(表格上)未婚/已婚/鳏寡
LP ← long-playing records 密纹唱片
VIP ← very important person 大人物
RSVP ← (法语)Reponde s'il vous plait (书信用)盼复
KGB ← (俄语)Komissija Gosudarstvennoj Bezopastnosti克格勃,原苏联的国家安全委员会
NHK ← (日语)Nippon Hoso Kyokai日本广播公司
e.g. ← exampli gratia 例如 i.d. ← idem 同上
i.e. ← id ext 即 etc. ← et cetra 等等
viz ← videlicet也就是说 v. ← vide参见
G.B.S. ← George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳(英国戏剧家,1856-1950)
L.B.J. ← Lyndon Baines Johnson约翰逊(美国第三十六任总统)

1 CFR(cost and freight) 成本加运费价
2 T/T(telegraphic transfer) 电汇
3 D/P(document against payment) 付款交单
4 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单
5 C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证
6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制
7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons) 纸箱
8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces) 只、个、支等
9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元

10 DOZ/DZ(dozen) 一打
11 PKG(package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等
12 WT(weight) 重量
13 G.W.(gross weight) 毛重
14 N.W.(net weight) 净重
15 C/D (customs declaration) 报关单
16 EA(each) 每个,各
17 W (with) 具有
18 w/o(without) 没有
19 FAC(facsimile) 传真
20 IMP(import) 进口
21 EXP(export) 出口
22 MAX (maximum) 最大的、最大限度的
23 MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度
24 M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的
25 M/V(merchant vessel) 商船
26 S.S(steamship) 船运
27 MT或M/T(metric ton) 公吨
28 DOC (document) 文件、单据
29 INT(international) 国际的
30 P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表

31 INV (invoice) 发票
32 PCT (percent) 百分比
33 REF (reference) 参考、查价
34 EMS (express mail special) 特快传递
35 STL.(style) 式样、款式、类型
36 T或LTX或TX(telex) 电传
37 RMB(renminbi) 人民币
38 S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记
39 PR或PRC(price) 价格
40 PUR (purchase) 购买、购货
41 S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书
42 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证
43 B/L (bill of lading) 提单
44 FOB (free on board) 离岸价
45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight) 成本、保险加运费价