

有个哈佛大学教授曾指出成功需要的条件:学习能力,领导能力,团队意识,创造力。学习能力是指你要做到不断的学习,充电;领导能力不是指你要做到什么样的管理员,而是指你属在的环境你说话要有分量,你的见解得到很多人的支持;团队意识就是需要你要有团队精神,建立好自己的交际网;创造力则需要你不断地创新。只要做到这几点成功就离你不远了There was a Harvard University professor who pointed out that conditions for success: learning, leadership, teamwork, and creativity. Learning means you have to keep learning, charge; leadership does not mean you have to do what kind of administrator, but you are in the environment you have to have a component, in your opinion, have the support of many people; teamwork is needed you have team spirit, establishing its own network; creativity you need your constant innovation. As long as this had several success is not far away from you.。