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第1个回答  2013-10-19
Java正在使快速开发Internet上通讯与协同工作的通用程序成为可能。这里,我们不仅是谈论字处理、电子数据表,而且是能 够处理销售、客户服务、记帐、 数据库和人事资源管理的应用程 序一一它们是公司计算的基础。 Java也使争论中的一类新的、称 之为网络计算机(即NC)的便 宜计算机成为可能,SUN IBM、Apple和其它公司希望这 种计算机将在公司和家庭中普及 开来。
  Java工作的方法简单。与那些要占用PC机硬盘多兆字节的普通应用软件不一样,java应用程序,即小应用程序,是很小的程序,它常驻在网络中集中式的服 务器上。只有当你需要这种应用 程序时,网络才把它们送到你的机器上,山于小应用程序比常规 程序小得多,故下载不需很多时间。
  比方说,你要检查一下西南地区的销售结果,利用Internet浏览器找到能提交则一务数据的公司内部Web站点,再用鼠标器击一下或两下,便可以调这些数字。 服务器将不仅快速给你数据,而且显示它所需要的销售分析小应用程序。这些数字在Java数据表 中将浮现在你的屏幕上,因而你能即兴地使用它们,而不是麻烦 地将它们调入你自己的数据表程序中。
  为用图形显示这些数字,你可以一调入作图表的小应用程序,让你漂漂亮亮地打印出报表来,而所有这些不必离开浏览器。你也始终能得到最新最好的小应用 程序版本:因为这种软件只存储 存一才\地方,公司的技术人员可 较答易地使其保持最新。
  Java程序一旦写好了,就能在任何一种计算机(PC机、 Macintosh机、Unix工作站、甚至是大型机)上无需修改就能运行。基本的操作系统是没有差别的。Java实际上给予了那些较旧的专用的计算机(有变成废品风险的产品)新的生命。
  在不到一年的时间内,Java己成了微软的PC操作系统Windows系列的主要挑战者,比DOS和WINDOWS挑战传统的大型机和小型机的速度还要快。 Java也在成为最重要的Internet软 件标准的道路上迅跑,使Sun超 过Netscape和微软成为Internet计 算的领袖
第2个回答  2013-10-19
Java is making possible the rapid development of versatile programs for communicating and collaborating on the Internet. We're not just talking word processors and spreadsheets here, but also applications to handle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources--the meat and potatoes of corporate computing. Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called network computers,or NCs,which SUN,IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and our homes.
  The way Java works is simple, Unlike ordinary software applications, which take up megabytes on the hard disk of your PC,Java applications,or"applets",are little programs that reside on the network in centralized servers,the network that delivers them to your machine only when you need them to your machine only when you need them.Because the applets are so much smaller than conventional programs, they don't take forever to download.
  Say you want to check out the sales results from the southwest region. You'll use your Internet browser to find the corporate Internet website that dishes up financial data and, with a mouse click or two, ask for the numbers.The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need to display it. The numbers will pop up on your screen in a Java spreadsheet, so you can noodle around with them immediately rather than hassle with importing them to your own spreadsheet program。
  To graph the numbers,you'll call in a charting applet that will let you print out your report nice and pretty, all without leaving your browser, and you'll always get the latest, greatest version of the applets too:since the software is stored in only one place corporate teaches can keep it up to date more easily.
  The real beauty of the Java language, however, visits power to save users money, because it vastly simplifies creating and deploying applications and be-cause it lets them keep their existing "legacy" com-puters and software.
  Java programs, once written, can run without modification on just about any kind of computer: a PC,a Macintosh,a Unix workstation--heck,even a mainframe. The underlying operating system makes difference. Java actually can breathe new life into older specialized computers that wear at risk of becoming obsolete.
  In scarcely a year, Java has evolved into a majar challenger to Microsoft's Windows family of PC operating systems-faster even than DOS and Windowse rose to challenge traditional mainframes and minicomputers.Java is also well on its way to becoming the most important Internet software standard, catapulting Sun past Netscape and Microsoft as the leader in Internet computing
第3个回答  2013-10-19