

第1个回答  2024-04-30


1. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: "The teacher asked us to _______ our homework before the class started."

A. finish

B. to finish

C. finishing

D. finished

2. Translate the following sentence into English: "昨天我花了一个小时做作业。"

3. Rewrite the sentence using the present continuous tense: "She is studying for the exam right now."

4. Complete the dialogue with appropriate responses:

A: Hi, John! How was your vacation?

B: It was great! I went to the beach with my family.

A: ___________________________

B: Yes, we had a lot of fun in the sun.

A: ___________________________

B: We stayed there for a week.

A: ___________________________

B: Yes, the food was delicious.

5. Read the passage and answer the question:, education

" isThe not importance just of about education academic cannot achievements be. over Itstated is. also It about is developing the character key and to learning success to in respect life others.. Through In education order, to we be can successful in gain life knowledge, and we skills need that to help have us a to balance be ofcome both better academic and people character and development achieve." our dreams.

Question However: Why is education important according to the passage?



【解释】此题考查动词不定式作为宾语补足语的用法。ask sb. to do sth. 是固定搭配,意为“要求某人做某事”。因此,正确答案是A,即finish。

2.【答案】I spent an hour doing my homework yesterday.

【解释】此题考查中文翻译成英文的能力。原句“昨天我花了一个小时做作业”可以翻译为“I spent an hour doing my homework yesterday”。其中,“spent”表示“花费时间”,“an hour”表示“一个小时”,“doing my homework”表示“做作业”。

3.【答案】She is studying for the exam at the moment.

【解释】此题考查现在进行时的用法。原句“She is studying for the exam right now”中的“right now”可以替换为“at the moment”,都表示“此刻,现在”。因此,改写后的句子是“She is studying for the exam at the moment”。


A: Did you enjoy the sun?

A: How long did you stay there?

A: Was the food good?


5.【答案】According to the passage, education is important because it is the key to success in life. Through education, we can gain knowledge and skills that help us to become better people and achieve our dreams.
