
1.All time is precious;but the time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than [any] portion of our existence.
2.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can go on well in life until you [let go of] your past failures and heartaches.
3.Bass,with 23% of the British beer market,formed a joint venture with Ginsber Beer Group of siping city,china,[which] Bass held a 55% share.
请问括号中的词应该写什么才正确,为什么? 另外此句求翻译,谢谢。
4.It is for this reason [why\that] so many readers like to bury their heads in an old-fashioned detective story with a safe and predicatble ending.
5.Some people think going to an underwater concert is a great alternaive [to going] to a movie or dinner.
请问括号中为什么要填 to going呢??

1. 括号中应该写 any other,否则 any portion也包括childhood, 而childhood比childhood重要就矛盾了

2. 正确。 let go of something 意思是 release something,符合句子意思

3. 应用 in which
原因:首先这个定语从句是修饰a joint venture(合资企业)的,而定语从句的意思也很明显,在这个合资企业中Bass持有55%的股份,如果单独成句的话就是 in the venture Bass held...,所以根据定语从句变化规则,把要修饰的词变成which,就成了 in which Bass held...

4. 这是一个考强调句/定语从句的好题目。
首先,要清楚有2个选项分别对应什么结构:如果选why就是定语从句(why在定语从句中相当于for what,如何建定语从句在3中有说明 ),如果选that 就是强调句
那么怎么2选1呢? 这要用到强调句与一般陈叙句的转换:在强调句中,如果去调it is,并把that替换成it is后面被强调的内容的话,就成了一般陈叙句。用在这个句子上就是
for this reason so many readers like to bury their heads in an old-fashioned detective story with a safe and predicatble ending. 正确
再看看why怎么错的。why在定语从句中相当于for what,而定语从句中把what替换成要修饰的词组的话,也应该是个完整句子,替换下就成了:
for for this reason so many reader...可以看到,2个for,因此错了。

如果这题改成It is the reason [why\that] so many readers like to bury their heads in an old-fashioned detective story with a safe and predicatble ending.我想你应该知道怎么选了吧?

5. 因为X is a great alternative to Y 意思是X是Y的一个很好替代,要求X, Y 都是名词。因此go就要用going作动名词啦(看前面going to an underwater concert不就是这么用的么)

希望对你有帮助 :)追问



是的,第二句是正确的。你google ”The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches“,这是句挺有名的话呢

第1个回答  2011-03-10
1.All time is precious;but the time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than [any] portion of our existence.写any other,你是想表达比其他任何事都要重要。就不应该把童年和青春包括在内。总不能自己和自己比
2.until you let your past failure and heartaches go. 电视中经常听到Let his go.随他,让他走
3.粘英国啤酒市场份额23%的Bass(应该是一个品牌)与中国的Ginsber啤酒合资, Bass占股55%
4,这里的that 是it的形式主语从句,并不是reason的同位语从句。填why意思表达就不一样了,注意介词for,至于区别,我就引用别人的了:用why是定语从句,就是why后面跟的句子整个修饰reason.


4,就是一致性原则了,going to ---- to going 铜, 都是动名词就前后全用动名词