

第1个回答  2011-03-12
狄更斯在考虑,因为我们几乎总是要考虑作为一个富有创意的人他,我们可能错过的力量,甚至从他画了他原来的能量。 It is not well for man to be alone.这是没有得到很好的人独居。 We, in the modern world, are ready enough to admit that when it is applied to some problem of monasticism or of an ecstatic life.我们在现代世界,是十分愿意承认,当它应用于一些修道的狂喜或生活问题。 But we will not admit that our modern artistic claim to absolute originality is really a claim to absolute unsociability; a claim to absolute loneliness.但我们不会承认,我们的现代艺术声称绝对原创绝对是一个真正的孤僻要求;一个绝对孤独的索赔。 The anarchist is at least as solitary as the ascetic.无政府主义至少苦行僧一样孤独。 And the men of very vivid vigour in literature, the men such as Dickens, have generally displayed a large sociability towards the society of letters, always expressed in the happy pursuit of pre-existent themes, sometimes expressed, as in the case of Molière or Sterne, in downright plagiarism.和文学的人非常生动的活力,如狄更斯的男人,一般都表现出对社会的大型社会性的信件,总是在表达,有时前存在的主题,追求幸福的表示,如在莫里哀或个案斯特恩,在彻头彻尾的抄袭。 For even theft is a confession of our dependence on society.因为即使盗窃是我们对社会的依赖口供。 In Dicke