
在附近还有其他著名的旅游景点,如圣马可大教堂、圣马可钟楼等。 这里有各式各样的精品店、咖啡厅和餐馆等

It also has some other famous tourist sites near it, such as St. Marco Basilica, and Campanile di San Marco, etc. There are all kinds of boutique, coffee house and restaurant, and so on.
第1个回答  2011-05-11
Nearby there are other places of great interests,such as Basilica San Marco and San Marco center.There are also various kinds of selected shops,coffee shops and restarants
第2个回答  2011-05-11
Nearby there are other famous scenic spots,such as San Marco Basilica,San Marco Bell tower,etc.

Here are various kinds of boutiques,cafes,restaurants and so on.