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图论 - 复杂网络

A.Barrat.__The architecture of complex weighted networks.pdf
Betweenness Centrality Algorithms and Lower Bounds.pdf
Chia.Ming Hsu.__Mining Dense Overlapping Subgraphs in Weighted Protein-Protein Interaction Networks.pdf
E.Hartuv.__A clustering algorithm based on graph connectivity.pdf
Francis.R. Bach.etc.__Learning Graphical Models for Stationary Time Series.pdf
Gergely Palla.__Uncovering the overlapping community structure.pdf
Gergely Palla.__Uncovering the overlapping community structure_supplement.pdf
Haiyan.Hu.__Mining coherent dense subgraphs across massive biological networks for functional discovery.pdf
J.Baumes.__Efficient identification of overlapping communities.pdf
Jordi.Duch.__Community detection in complex networks using Extremal Optimization.pdf
Jorg.Reichardt.__Statistical mechanics of community detection.pdf
L.Danon.__Comparing community structure identification.pdf
M.Charikar.__Greedy Approximation Algorithms for Finding Dense Components in Graph.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.A measure of betweenness centrality based on random walks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Analysis of weighted networks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Assortative mixing in networks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Community Structure in Directed Networks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Community structure in social and biological networks.PDF
M.E.J.Newman.Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Finding and evaluating community structure in networks.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices.pdf
M.E.J.Newman.Finding community structure in very large networks.pdf
第1个回答  2011-05-07
数据库系统概念个人还是认为国外的作者的书好一点不过那翻译也还过得去 计算机科学与技术学习反思录计算机理论的一个核心问题--从数学谈