英语励志歌,有一句好像是open you eyes ,女生唱的


 eyes open  泰勒  Everybody's waiting  所有人都在等待  Everybody's watching  所有人都在看着……  Even when you're sleeping  甚至当你在睡梦中  keep your ey-eyes open  也要睁一只眼睛  The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children  想着我们小时候玩着复杂的游戏仿佛就是在昨天(忆昔如昨)  Playing soldiers, just pretending  扮演着士兵玩打仗的游戏  Dreaming dreams with happy endings  嬉笑着有一个好的结局  In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords  在后院,我们用木剑赢得了所谓的战争  But now we've stepped into a cruel world  但是现在我们一起步入了这个残酷的世界  Where everybody stands to keep score  这里所有人都在争取最高分  Keep your eyes open  你要睁大眼睛认清现实  Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown  因为他们每一个人都在为被你打败而到来  Everybody's watching to see the fallout  他们都在看着最终结果  Even when you're sleeping, sleeping  即使当你睡熟了  Keep your ey-eyes open  也要睁一只眼睛  Keep your ey-eyes open  小心翼翼  Keep your ey-eyes open  也要保持警觉  So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard  你总是奋勇前进,先发制人  Every lesson forms a new scar  但是每次身上都增添新的伤疤  They never thought you'd make it this far  他们从来没有想到你能坚持到这里  But turn around, they've surrounded you  转过身,他们已经将你包围  It's a showdown, and nobody comes to save you now  这是一局定胜负的时刻,没有人会来拯救你  But you've got something they don't  但是你有他们没有的优势  Yeah you've got something they don't  是的,你已经具有他们不知道的力量  You've just gotta keep your eyes open  你只需要保持警惕  Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown  即使所有人都被你打败了  Everybody's watching to see the fallout  但是他们会盯着最终结果的  Even when you're sleeping, sleeping  所以你一个人在外  Keep your ey-eyes open  永远不要放松警惕  Keep your ey-eyes open  世上的人都带着面具  Keep your ey-eyes  你要用心分辨  Keep your feet ready  做好充分准备  Heartbeat steady  放平心态  Keep your eyes open  观察这个世界的本质  Keep your aim locked  不要放弃你的理想  The night goes dark  夜幕降临  Keep your eyes open  保持清醒  Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown  即使所有人都被你打败了  Everybody's watching to see the fallout  他们依然会盯着最终的利益  Even when you're sleeping, sleeping  所以在这个混乱的世界  Keep your ey-eyes open  所有狼在面对猎物时都会表现的跟哈士奇一样  Keep your ey-eyes open  要学会透过现象看本质  Keep your ey-eyes  时刻保持警觉