一首英文歌里面有This is my love这个词的,是男的唱的,这首歌名叫什么?


-->>>Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source<<<--

Woke up 4 o’clock this mornin
Didn’t sleep well but it’s time to get workin
I tell myself I gotta keep on movin
(But it’s gettin a lil frustratin)
I got on my jet plane
I’m gonna fly away from my sorrows today
Keep them away
But I can’t stop thinkin of you
I miss you
What am I gonna do?
I took a look outside
Can anybody tell me why?
I see the sun is high and birds are flying in the sky
But it seems it’s raining in me
And it feels so cold
I can hear the thunder shoutin
I can see a storm is comin
I’m a pilot flying through a storm now
Took off and there’s no turning back now
My planes on fire, the engines are dyin
Can anybody out there catch me I’m fallin
Was headin to my destination
Now I’m in this terrible situation
I can see it comin, crash-landing
Oh this is my love aviation
I’m gonna fly away from my sorrows today
I got on my jet plane
Keep them away
But I can’t stop thinkin of you
I miss you
What am I gonna do?
I took a look outside
Can anybody tell me why?
I see the sun is high and birds are flying in the sky
But it seems it’s raining in me
And it feels so cold
I can hear the thunder shoutin
I can see a storm is comin
I’m a pilot flying through a storm now
Took off and there’s no turning back now
My planes on fire, the engines are dyin
Can anybody out there catch me I’m fallin
Was headin to my destination
Now I’m in this terrible situation
I can see it comin, crash-landing
Oh this is my love aviation
I’m a pilot flying through a storm now
Took off and there’s no turning back now
My planes on fire, the engines are dyin
Can anybody out there catch me I’m fallin
Was headin to my destination
Now I’m in this terrible situation
I can see it comin, crash-landing
Oh this is my love aviation
(I’m a pilot flying through a storm now)
(Took off and there’s no turning back now)
(My planes on fire, the engines are dyin)
(Can anybody out there catch me I’m fallin)
YLAMPRODUCTIONS - Love Aviation Lyrics from [email protected]追问

