
对于参加研究生考试,我是经过深思熟虑的。主要是以下几个原因:1.社会发展形势的要求。社会的竞争越来越激烈,我想要提升自身的竞争力 2.个人价值的实现。内心一直有个声音,渴望能在更好的平台去学习更多的知识,提升修养和个人能力 3.就业的考虑。因为我是宁波人,我希望将来能在宁波工作和生活,在父母老迈的时候能有能力照顾到他们。


As for taking the postgraduate qualifying examination ,I made up my mind to do it after thinking over and over.And the reasons are as follows.Firstly,It is out of the need of the development of society.The competition in society is becoming more and more firce,so I would like to improve my ability for competion.Secondly,I'd like to achieve my personal values.There is always a voice in my inner heart that longs for a better platform to get more knowledge and improve myself and personal ability.Thirdly,the need of employment contributes to my desision.As you know,I was born in Ningbo,Zhejing province,therefore,I hope to go back to my hometown to work and live,which is more convenient for me to take good care of my parents when it is necessory.追问



Thanks for your kind encouragement!
The rest will be given in about two hours,for I am sorry to say I have to be busy with my work now.





I still don't have a deep understanding in the aspect of my professional research direction.However,I am specially interested in the course of International Port and Waterway .For example,both market analysis and research and eventually obtaining feasible solutions through parameter caculation interest me much.As a result,I have the confidence that I can do well in data computation,mathematical modeling and programming and I can be fit for such jobs as mentioned above. Moreover,I feel that it is quite necessary for personal development to have some managerial knowledge and speak fluent English. Thereby,I truly hope that I will be well directed and guided by the tutor in the future in the areas of my professional research direction and personal capability enhancement.

第1个回答  2014-03-20
作为一个过来人,我给您提几条参考建议: 首先,你要搞清自己想要读研的目的何在。多数人都认为其目的是找一份好的工作,既然如此,若本科毕业能够找到理想的工作,可以考虑先工作几年,等想充电的时候再读研也不迟。如暂时没找到合适的工作,不妨考虑先读研。 其次,你要考虑好自己的实力,毕竟考研和找工作会有些冲突。如果认为自己有足够的实力,不妨作一个两手准备,在考研的同时兼顾找工作。 最后,我想家庭的经济势力也是自己应该考虑的一个方面。如果经济状况不允许,还是先工作较好。 希望以上几条建议能够给您以帮助