
Home is a place where you can go
Home is a place where you can go in
Home is where you can go in
Home is a place that you can go in

1. 只有第一句是对的。where这引导的是定语从句,定语从句修饰先行词a place. 简单分析一下:
Home is a place where you can go.
go是不及物动词,定语从句you can go是主谓结构,句子完整。先行词为地点,定语从句引导词要用关系副词where, 连词不省略。
Home is a place which/that you can go to
不及物动词不能直接跟宾语,如果为了表达完整的语意,后面要接名词,先在不及物动词后面加介词,构成动词短语go to,相当于及物动词。关系代词that/which代替a place做go to的宾语,可以省略。
2. 定语从句是接在名词后面,而宾语从句是接在及物动词和介词后面,位置不同。
I don't know where you will go.
Don't worry about who will arrive first.