"as i want","as i want to","as i want to be"

for the first time he saw himself (as he had always wanted to be).
在以上句子中,as i want to be能否去掉“be"或”to be",为什么?

for the first time he saw himself (as he had always wanted to be)
首先to动词不定式后面要跟动词原型,所以as i want to be是可以的,但是as i want to就没有这种方式,to后面必须有个to的对象,那怕是to be
其次,as i want=如同我想要的,as i want to be=如同我想要变成的那个样子,中文感觉区别不大,实际上在英文的语法里差别比较大:
as i want---as的对象是want的宾语,可以是一个样子,也可以是一个梦想,或一个很想要的东西
as i want to be---as的对象是to be的表语,就是想要变成的样子