
Constant attention to the absolute protection and enhanced promotion of fundamental
freedoms on the Internet
(n) consider that “digital identity” is increasingly becoming an integral part of our ‘self’
and in this respect deserves to be protected adequately and effectively from
intrusions by both private and public actors – thus, the particular set of data that is
organically linked to the “digital identity” of an individual should be defined and
protected, and all its elements should be considered inalienable personal, noneconomic and non-tradable rights; take due account of the importance of anonymity, pseudonymity and control of information flows for privacy and the fact that users should be provided with, and educated about, the means to protect it efficiently, for instance through various available Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs);
(o) ensure that Member States that intercept and monitor data traffic, regardless of
whether that applies to their own citizens or to data traffic from abroad, do so under
the strict conditions and safeguards provided by law; call on Member States to ensure that remote searches, if provided for by national law, are conducted on the basis of a valid search warrant issued by the competent judicial authorities; note that simplified procedures for conducting remote searches in comparison with direct searches are unacceptable, as they infringe the rule of law and the right to privacy;
(p) recognise the danger of certain forms of Internet surveillance and control aimed also at tracking every ‘digital’ step of an individual, with the aim of providing a profile of the user and of assigning 'scores'; make clear the fact that such techniques should always be assessed in terms of their necessity and their proportionality in the light of the objectives they aim to achieve; emphasise also the need for an enhanced
awareness and informed consent of users with respect to their e-activities involving
the sharing of personal data (for instance in the case of social networks);













第1个回答  2011-05-03