
Hurry down!
The cheese-rolling contest has a history of more than 200 years.At first,it was only for the people in the village.Now, people around the world come to Cooper’s Hill and take part in the interesting contest.They have to be order than 18.
In the morning of the contest day,many people climb to the top of the hill. They look down the hill. They think about how to get down the hill fast.The contest begins at noon.As soon as the cheese begins to roll,the race begins!Whoever catches the cheese first will win the contest.
During the race,you will see people run down the hill in different poses.Some roll like the cheese.Be careful!


滚动乳酪比赛已经有200多年的历史了。起初,它只是为村子里的人。现在,世界各地的人们来到Cooper's Hill 来参加这个有趣的比赛。他们年龄要超过18岁。