
A Respond to "Ending a Relationship"
The article "Ending a Relationship," by De Vito, Joseph A is about the strategies of how to end a relationship positive, and to avoid behaving negatively, and also is related to the consequence after breaking relationship. There are lots of methods on ending a relationship with someone. One of them is called" Break the Loneliness-Depression Cycle," which is a normal phenomena in which people usually get in trouble with loneliness and depression after breaking a relationship with someone, it is danger until a person suffer from loneness and depression for a long period time. When depression goes deep, it is required to get help from outside. The other one is called" Remove or Uncomfortable Symbols," allowing a person to throw out the letters, photographs, gifts and so on. The reason is that people who have been hurt from the one who give these things will be reminded of the bad memory. It is necessary to ask someone for keeping those gifts, photograph and letters for you until you get a balance on feeling.

In my opinion, the action of ending a relationship can lead a person to feel depressed more or less, especially with a long-term relationship with someone. Also it is not matter in first week if I feel bad, and even do not want to go out see other people, and keep myself inside home. Usually after a week, I feel much better since time can help me forget a bad memory While we should pay attention if someone still in bad situation after a week, it is necessary to see a doctor or tell friends about you're feeling. For the second section about remove the symbols, it works for me. I really do not like to see any information about someone with whom I break up a relationship. The letters, gifts make me remember this person again. I still remember last time I broke up a relationship with one of my class friend when we was in AEI program; he only stayed in the University of Oregon for a term. We had a good relationship with each other, and sometimes chatting on Facebook, or sending text to each other. Due to he only stays one quarter here; I thought that he couldn’t be with me during the time I study in America, so I just stop chatting with him because I do not willing feel sad after he leaving. However after a few days I thought I liked him, and began to miss him so much. For those reasons we are breaking up a relationship now. After that, I told my friend my experience with him. They drive my out of bad condition as well as delete his picture on my laptop.

"Ending a Relationship" by De Vito, Joseph A. The interpersonal Communication Book, 9e. Published by Allyn and bacon, MA. Copyright @ 2001 by Pearson Education. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

Words: 517



De Vito, Joseph A 写的《结束关系》一文是关于如何采取某种策略积极地去结束一种关系,避免出现消极影响,文章也谈到了关系打破后的后果。有很多种方法来结束和某人的关系。其中的一个称为“打破孤独情绪周期”,这是一种正常的现象,人们通常会在和某人关系破裂后陷入一种孤独和消极的情绪之中,当陷入于长时间的孤独而不能自拔的话,那是非常危险的。当在这种情绪中越陷越深时,需要帮助才能摆脱。另一个叫做"丢弃让人不适的标志物",允许一个人丢掉信件,相片,礼物等等。理由是当一个人被给这些东西的人所伤害时,看到这些东西会引起不好的回忆。只有当你的情绪平衡时,你再保留那些礼物,相片,和信件。

,甚至我把自己关在房里,不想出去见人,那都没有关系。通常一周过后,我会感觉好点,因为时间会让我忘却不好的回忆。然而,我们必须注意那个一周之后仍处于不好情绪中的人,那时应该去看医生或者把你的感觉告诉你的朋友。第二种方法对我来说很有效。我真的不愿意看到任何一点关于和我关系破裂的人的信息。那些信件,礼物总是让我想起那个人。我仍然记得上一次和一个和一样在美国企业研究所工作的老朋友关系破裂的情形:他只在俄勒冈州立大学待过一个星期。我们之间的关系很好,有时候我们在Facebook上聊天, 有时候我们之间互相之间发发短信。由于他只能在这等一个季度;我想他不会和我在美学习期间一直待在一起,所以,我断绝了和他联系,因为我不想在他离开时感到失落。然而,几天后,我想我是喜欢上他了,并且开始非常的想他。就是因为这些原因,我们断绝了关系。后来,我把我和他的事告诉了我的朋友,他们把我电脑上他的照片删除了,把我从糟糕的境况中拉了出来。

“结束一段关系”一文是由De Vito, Joseph A 写的。人际交往从书第九版,由Allyn和bacon发行。版权所有:Pearson Education
第1个回答  2011-02-16

De Vito, Joseph A 写的《结束关系》一文是关于如何采取某种策略积极地去结束一种关系,避免出现消极影响,文章也谈到了关系打破后的后果。有很多种方法来结束和某人的关系。其中的一个称为“打破孤独情绪周期”,这是一种正常的现象,人们通常会在和某人关系破裂后陷入一种孤独和消极的情绪之中,当陷入于长时间的孤独而不能自拔的话,那是非常危险的。当在这种情绪中越陷越深时,需要帮助才能摆脱。另一个叫做"丢弃让人不适的标志物",允许一个人丢掉信件,相片,礼物等等。理由是当一个人被给这些东西的人所伤害时,看到这些东西会引起不好的回忆。只有当你的情绪平衡时,你再保留那些礼物,相片,和信件。

,甚至我把自己关在房里,不想出去见人,那都没有关系。通常一周过后,我会感觉好点,因为时间会让我忘却不好的回忆。然而,我们必须注意那个一周之后仍处于不好情绪中的人,那时应该去看医生或者把你的感觉告诉你的朋友。第二种方法对我来说很有效。我真的不愿意看到任何一点关于和我关系破裂的人的信息。那些信件,礼物总是让我想起那个人。我仍然记得上一次和一个和一样在美国企业研究所工作的老朋友关系破裂的情形:他只在俄勒冈州立大学待过一个星期。我们之间的关系很好,有时候我们在Facebook上聊天, 有时候我们之间互相之间发发短信。由于他只能在这等一个季度;我想他不会和我在美学习期间一直待在一起,所以,我断绝了和他联系,因为我不想在他离开时感到失落。然而,几天后,我想我是喜欢上他了,并且开始非常的想他。就是因为这些原因,我们断绝了关系。后来,我把我和他的事告诉了我的朋友,他们把我电脑上他的照片删除了,把我从糟糕的境况中拉了出来。
第2个回答  2011-02-16
A Respond to "Ending a Relationship"
1. Responding to ...
2. A Personal Response to ...


"Ending a Relationship," is an article authored by Joseph A De Vito. In this article Mr. De Vito discussed some strategies on how to handle a break-up in a positive way, methods to avoid negative behaviors, and dealing with the consequence after ending a relationship.
There are plenty of ways to handle the aftermath following a break-up with someone. One of the methods described in Mr. De Vito's article is called "Break the Loneliness-Depression Cycle" . It is a common phenomenon that people tend to get in trouble with loneliness and depression, after ending a relationship with someone close. It is dangerous when a person suffer from loneliness and depression for a long period time, deep depression often requires medical help from the professionals.

Another one presented in the article is called" Removal of Uncomfortable Symbols", which recommends a person to throw out anything that might bring back painful memories, including letters, photographs, gifts and so on. The reason behind this is that people who have been hurt from the one who gave these things will be constantly reminded of the past. It is helpful to ask somebody to take these personal items temporarily for safekeeping, until one is emotionally stable.

From my personal experience, ending a relationship can certainly cause a person to feel depressed, more or less, especially when it involves a long-term relationship. Waiting it out could be the only answer in this situation. It doesn't matter if I feel bad during the first week, I might not care to go out to see other people and simply keep it to myself staying at home. But usually after a week, I would feel much better since time really helps when it comes to healing the wound. While friends could help to look after someone who's in this situation, it is important for the person to know when to seek professional help.

As far as removing the symbols that bring back bad memories, it worked for me. I really do not like to see anything related to someone with whom I just broke up. The letters and gifts would certainly remind me of this person again. I still remember the last time when I broke up with one of my classmate in the AEI program. He only stayed in the University of Oregon for one quarter, we had a good relationship with each other, chatted often on the Facebook and exchanged frequent text messages.

Because he only stayed for one quarter, I didn't think that he could be with me when I go study in America. I just stopped chatting with him one day because I do not wish to be sad after he leaves. However, after a few days I found I really liked him, and began to miss him badly. Due to those reasons we are breaking up now. Afterwards when I told my friend about my problem with him. They helped to take me out of that awkward position, the first thing they insisted was deleting his picture from the desktop on my laptop .

"Ending a Relationship" by De Vito, Joseph A. The interpersonal Communication Book, 9e. Published by Allyn and bacon, MA. Copyright @ 2001 by Pearson Education. Reprinted with permission from the publisher.

第3个回答  2011-02-16