as, because和for的区别是什么?


"As", "because"和"for"都是英语中表示原因或解释的连词,它们的用法和含义略有不同。


    As I was walking down the street, I saw an old friend. (当我走在街上的时候,我看见了一个老朋友。)

    As she spoke, her confidence grew.(她讲话的时候,她的自信心越来越强。)


    I was late because there was heavy traffic on the way. (我迟到了,因为路上交通拥堵。)

    She couldn't come to the party because she was feeling sick. (她不能参加聚会,因为她感觉不舒服。)


    He learned Chinese for a job opportunity in China.(他学习中文是为了在中国有一份工作机会。)

    I bought new running shoes for better performance in the race. (我买了新的跑鞋,以便在比赛中表现更好。)

    综上所述,三个词语的区别在于它们强调的方面不同。"As" 强调同时性,"because" 强调因果关系,"for"强调目的。

第1个回答  2023-02-01
since, as because,for都可表示原因,它们的区别是:

1. Becasue:当原因作为句子或陈述最重要的一部分时,我们使用because.
Because is used when the reason is the most important part of the sentence or utterance. The because clause usually comes at the end:
e.g. I went to Spain last summer because I wanted the guarantee of sunshine on every day of my holiday.
2. As和since:当原因是众所周知时,我们使用as和since,因此,这样的原因一般不那么重要。
As and since are used when the reason is already well known and is therefore usually less important. The as or since clause is usually placed at the beginning of the sentence:
e.g. As the performance had already started, we went up to the balcony and occupied some empty seats there.
e.g. Since John had already eaten, I made do with a sandwich.
3. For:For意味着原因是事后给出的。
For suggests that the reason is given as an afterthought. It is never placed at the beginning of the sentence and is more characteristic of written, rather than spoken English:
e.g. I decided to stop the work I was doing - for it was very late and I wanted to go to bed.