

第1个回答  2022-07-31
《孙子》 ( The Art of War )首篇,纲领全文。其核心是两点:一是“庙算”,军事上的战略运筹,对未来胜负条件的基本估计。一是“诡道十二法”,实际战场态势中的指挥原则。“诡道”十二法可分为两类,一类是“示形”以机诈取胜;一类是“权变”,各种情况下的不同作战原则。

孙子曰:兵者,国之大事, 死生之地 , 存亡之道 ,不可不察也。

孙子说: 战争 是一个国家的头等大事,关系到军民的生死,国家的存亡,是不能不慎重周密地观察、分析、研究。

Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It isa matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

故经之以五事, 校 之以七计,而 索 其情。


The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.


一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法 。

道者 ,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不畏危也。

天者 ,阴阳、寒暑、时制也。

地者 ,高下,远近、险易、广狭、死生也。

将者 ,智、信、仁、勇、严也。

法者 ,曲制、官道、主用也。

凡此五者,将莫不闻,知之者胜,不知之者不胜 。


道 ,指君主和民众目标相同,意志统一,可以同生共死,而不会惧怕危险。

天 ,指昼夜、阴晴、寒暑、四季更替。

地 ,指地势的高低,路程的远近,地势的险要、平坦与否,战场的广阔、狭窄,是生地还是死地等地理条件。

将 ,指将领足智多谋,赏罚有信,对部下真心关爱,勇敢果断,军纪严明。

法 ,指组织结构,责权划分,人员编制,管理制度,资源保障,物资调配。


These are:The Moral Law;Heaven;Earth;The Commander;Method and discipline.

The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat,times and seasons.

Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes;thechances of life and death.

The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

By method and discipline are to be understoodthe marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions , the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and the control of military expenditure.

These five heads should be familiar to every general:he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them not will fail.


曰 :主孰有道?将孰有能?天地孰得?法令孰行?兵众孰强?士卒孰练?赏罚孰明?



哪一方的君主是有道明君,能得民心?哪一方的将领更有能力?哪一方占有天时地利?哪一方的法规、法令更能严格执行?哪一方资源更充足, 装备 更精良, 兵员 更广大?哪一方的 士兵 训练更有素,更有战斗力?哪一方的赏罚更公正严明?


Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them be made the basis of a comparison,in this wise:

Which of the two sovereignsis imbued with the Moral law? Which of the two generals has most ability? With whom liethe advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? Which army is stronger? On which side are officers and men more highly trained? In which army is therethe greater constancyboth in reward and punishment?

By means ofthese seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.

将 听 吾计, 用 之必胜,留之;将不听吾计,用之必败,去之。

计利以听,乃为之势, 以佐其外 。

势者, 因利而制权 也。




The general thathearkens tomy counseland acts uponit, will conquer: let such a one be retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it,will suffer defeat: let such a one be dismissed!

While heading the profit of my counsel,avail yourself also ofany helpful circumstancesover and beyond the ordinary rules.

According as circumstances are favorable,one should modify one's plans.

avail : to be of use or advantage; to produce or result in as a benefit or advantage

- Our best efforts did not avail.

- His efforts availed him nothing.

avail oneself of.. : or less commonly avail of,  meaning

to make use of or to take advantage of

- They availed themselves of his services.

兵者,诡道也 。


利而诱之,乱而取之 ,实而备之,强而避之,怒而挠之,卑而骄之,佚而劳之,亲而离之,攻其无备,出其不意。






All warfare is based on deception.

Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away,we must make him believe we are near.

Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign  disorder,and crush him. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him.If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

Thesemilitary devices, leading to victory,must not be divulged beforehand.

1) entice : tempt;to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire

2)feign: to give a false appearance of; to induce as a false impression.

eg: feign death

3) evade :to slip away;to avoid facing up to

4) choleric :easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered

5) divulge :to make public(archaic);to make known (something, such as a confidence or secret)


—— 《 出其不意典故 》


多算胜,少算不胜, 而况于无算乎 !





Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand .

Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all!

It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.

beforehand : in articipation, in advance

thus do..at all :With more careful calculations, one can win; with less, one cannot. How much less chance of victory has one who makes no calculations at all!