求—篇初二水平英语作文,关于“2009,我的奋斗目标”,谢谢诸位!如题 谢谢了


2008是不平凡的一年,发生了很多事,最让人兴奋的是,29届北京奥运会在中国国家体育场鸟巢隆重开幕,中国代表团在这次奥运会夺得51枚金牌,名列世界第一。作为一个中国人,我感到骄傲与自豪。 2009年已经,开始好的开始是成功的一半,在新的一年里,我要努力学习让我的学习成绩更上一层楼,超越我的竞争对手,不辜负我的家人,快快乐乐地度过,希望我的家人朋友健健康康,也希望我们国家变得更好! In 2008 an extraordinary year,there are many things happened in this year.The most exciting is The 29th Olympic Games in China, opened the National Stadium Bird's Nest.During the Olympics the Chinese delegation won 51 medals and ranked first in the world.As a Chinese, I am proud and pride. 2009 has begun,The beginning of a good start is half way to success.in the new year, I have to study hard so that my performance the next level, going beyond my competitors do not live up to my family and happily through this year,I hope that my family and friends healthy and happy, also hope that our country change for the better!
