用英语,内容(打电话 问路 参加社团),编成2人电话,

用英语,内容(打电话 问路 参加社团),编成2人电话,初中水平就可以

A: Hi, is it B(ben), it's A(jason) calling.
B: Oh, hi Jason, how are you?
A: Good, i'm doing well. How about you?
B: Yeah, i'm doing just as fine as you. By the way, do you still want to go to that 社团(chess club) ?
A: Yes, off course, but unfortunately i lost the note with the address on it. Would you mind telling me the address again?
B: No, i wouldn't, the address is ..........(7th avenue, new york St).
A: Thanks alot buddy, your a life saver. Well see you there tomorrow, i'll be enrolling there soon.
B: What? Really, great this is awesome. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Bye.
A: Bye. See you tomorrow.