
就像turn /put/take等,越多越好,急啊

put away 把……收拾干净
put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命
put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举
put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻
put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植
put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔
put out v.扑灭
put in 插话,
put on 穿上,
put down 记下来,写下来,
put sth aside 放到一边,
put it on 假装生气,
put away 收起来,
put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,
put back,放回,
put off 推迟,放下。
give sb. a call 给……打电话
give a talk 作报告
give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)
give back 归还,送回
give……some advice on 给……一些忠告
give lessons to 给……上课
give in 屈服
give up 放弃
give sb. a chance 给……一次机会
give a message to…… 给……一个口信

make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)
make a living 谋生
make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……
make faces (a face)做鬼脸
make friends (with)与……交朋友
make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误
make room/space for 给……腾出地方
make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句
make a fire 生火
ake as 把…当作,认为
take away 减去
take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起
take down拆卸 ,拆;记下,写下
take …for 把…认为是,把…看成为
take in 接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;欺骗
take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开
take on 开始雇用;呈现,具有;同…较量,接受…挑战;承担,从事
take out 带出去;除掉,毁掉;取得,办理; (on)对…发泄
take over 接受,接管;承袭,借用
take to 对…产生好感,开始喜欢;开始从事,形成…的习惯
take up 开始从事;把…继续下去;着手处理;占据;接受邀请;(on)与…成为朋友追问


第1个回答  2011-06-09
on、out、 off, in 等
第2个回答  2011-06-09
keep a varied diet 保持均衡多样的膳食
had a very heavy meal 吃了顿难以消化的膳食
set about doing 开始,着手
set out to do 打算,着手
have the honour of 有幸做……

it is better to be sure that sorry. 抱歉,你最好确认一下。

balance A with B 平衡A和B
balance A against B(或A is balanced against B也可)

最好不去做某事 It would be better not to do

power energy的区别

power 力量
The ship was helpless against the power of the storm.

power为“力,力量,能力,权力”。它是力的总称,指各种力,如电力,动力或某事物的能力。它也可指人所具有的力量,能力,权力及势力等。当指人所具有的力气时,它与strength同义。如:A football player needs power/strength to run with the ball.(power指体力。)I'll do everything in my power to help that old lady.(power指能力。)Electricity gives us power and makes machines work.(power指电力。)

energy (人的)精力,(供应给生命滋养的)能源、能量

He is full of energy -他精力充沛.
It is important to conserve energy -节省能源十分重要.

He has so much energy that he can work as hard as three men.(energy指精力)
The successful carrying out of the work is due to his youth and energy.(energy指活力)
The energy of the sun has been widely used now.(energy指能量)


Musical America is the business source for the performing acts.
对表演艺术而言,音乐美国(Musical America)是商业资源。

for 在这里是“对……而言,对于……”的意思

We shall have the honour of Mr White's staying for lunch.
我们将有幸留住Mr White 一同享用午餐。

stay在这里是“停留,逗留, 暂留”的意思。
第3个回答  2011-06-09
turn away
turn back
turn down
turn in
turn off
turn on
turn out
turn over
turn to
turn up
put about
put across
put away
put by
put down
put forth
put forward
put in
put off
put on
put out
put over
put through
put to
put together
put up
put upon
take after
take apart
take back
take down
take for
take in
take off
take on
take out
take over
take to
take up追问
