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第一课>>Section One
Task 1 This Is You Life!
Key to Exercises
A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements.
1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a
B. True or False Questions. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true according to the recording and write an F if it is false.
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T
C. Identification. Match each name in Column I with a description in Column II to identify the person.
1---b 2---d 3---f 4---g 5---a 6---c 7---e
D. Complete the following resume for Jason Douglas.
Name: Jason Douglas
Former name: Graham Smith
Profession: actor
Date of birth : July 2, 1947
1952: started school
1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School
1966: went to the London School of Drama
1969: left the London School of Drama
1973: went to Hollywood
1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose 
Task 2 What Are Your Ambitions?
Key to Exercises
A. Give brief answers to the following questions.
1. Radio Station QRX.
2. For a survey.
3. Four.
4. Six.
5. What's your name?
1. What do you do for a living?
2. What do you do for fun?
3. What's the most exciting thing that's happened to you recently?
4. What do you admire most in this world?
5. What do you want to be doing five years from now?
B. Fill in the following chart with answers that each interviewee gives to the questions.

  Interviewee 1 Interviewee 2 Interviewee 3 Interviewee 4
Question 1 George David Suzanne Brown Adolfo Vasquez Linda Montgomery
Question 2 professional baseball player lawyer dancer student at school
Question 3 read classics -- Dickens, Shakespeare running -- jogging watch musical movies hang out with friends -- for pizza
Question 4 Had his first baby got to run in the Boston Marathon moved to the US went to a Bruce Springsteen concert
Question 5 his wife Martin Luther King, Jr. Sophia Loren her dad
Question 6 be a father of five in five years win the Boston Marathon do what he's doing right now has her own beauty salon
Section Two
Task2 In Your Own Words
Key to Exercises
A. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. b
B. True or False Questions. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true according to the recording and write an F if it is false.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F
C. Fill in the following chart with information about the journey the Roman army made according to Trevor.
Designation: D Company
Number of men: one hundred or more journey for France to Britain
Means of transport: boat
Weather conditions: stormy
Food: cat food
Drink: rain water
Condition of weapons after landing: useless
Fighting: none
Equipment lost or damaged: boat lost, guns full of water, supplies of wine lost
Soldiers killed or wounded: about ten survivors, all others drowned or killed by cold
D. Point out what is not true in Trevor's story.
The following did not exist in Roman times:
petrol, newspaper, matches, trousers, tinned food, taps, guns, wine bottles. 50 BC could not appear on a coin. 50---55 BC is counting backwards..
E. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
1. It was a terrible, stormy night. There were a hundred or more of us in the boat. We were all shut in, because the weather was so bad and most people were sick, because it was very stuffy.
2. We thought we were going to die. In the end the boat was pushed up onto the sands, and we all climbed out. I remember jumping into the water, and struggling to the beach. The water was up to my shoulder and it was a freezing night.
3. Finally another boat came and took us away, and we joined the other soldiers. I remember going into the camp, and getting a hot meal, and clean clothes. It was wonderful. We were given our pay, too.
Section Three
Task 1 Study Skills: How to Predict

Key to Exercises
Listen to the following sentences. When you hear "pause", stop your recorder and guess what the speaker is going to say next. Discuss your answer with your classmates and then let the speaker finish his or her sentence.
1. Answer: trying to write a letter
Reason: The speaker's question suggests he needs a quiet surrounding to do something.
2. Hint: the first speaker is a guest complaining about the conditions of Room 43 which is a single
room. The second speaker is a hotel clerk who suggests that the guest move to a double room.
Answer: is the only single room available at the moment
Reason: The phrase "I'm afraid"often suggests a negative or unsatisfying answer.
3. Answer: Where on earth did you get it?
Reason: The second speaker's surprised tone shows that the money is out of her expectation and she must be curious about how it is gained.
4. Answer: You mustn't discriminate against someone just because they are married.
Reason: The word "but" suggests an opposite meaning.
5. Answer: I wouldn't mind being a prince.
Reason: The man's questioning tone shows he doesn't agree with the woman.
6. Answer: I'm not a workaholic.
Reason: The word "but" suggests an opposite meaning.
7. Answer: he had been
Reason: "But" and "possibly " both give some hint.
第二课>>Section One
Task 1 Film Editing
Key to Exercises
A. True or False Questions. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true according to the recording and write an F if it is false.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
B. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of what needs to be done before a film is ready for distribution.
1. The assistant:
a. "Synching up" which means matching sound and pictures according to the numbers stamped along the edge of the film and sound tape.
b. Logging which means recording the detail of the film and the sound in a log book.
2. The film editor:
a. Make a first election of the best takes.
b. Prepare a "rough cut"--- an initial version of the film.
c. Prepare the "fine cut" --- the final form of the film.
3. Others:
a. Approve the fine cut.
b. "Dubbing" which means voices, music, background noises and sometimes specials effects are put together.
c. The "neg" cutters cut the original negatives on the film, so that these match the edited film exactly.
Task 2 A Vision of Future
Key to Exercises
A. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1.a 2. b 3.a 4. c 5. c 6. c
B. True or False Questions. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true according to the recording and write an F if it is false.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
C. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of the problems New York faces in the movies.
1. Over population: New York has forty million people.
2. Housing shortage: Most people have no apartment. Thousands sleep on the steps of the building. People who do have a place to live have to crawl over sleeping people to get inside.
3. The soil is so polluted that nothing will grow. The air is so polluted that they never see the sun.
4. Most people have no real food. They eat something called soylent: soylent red, soylent yellow, and soylent green. The first two are made out of soybeans. The soylent green is made out of ocean plants.
5. New York has ninety degree weather all year long.
6. Fuel shortages: There is so little electricity that people have to ride bicycles to make it.
Section Two
Task 1 American Indians
Key to Exercise
A. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. 1492.
2. He thought that he had arrived in India.
3. They were kind to them and wanted to help.
4. a. They wanted bigger farms and more land for themselves; b. More immigrants came from Europe.
5. It was their mother. Everything came from and went back to their mother. And it was for everybody.
6. They started fighting back.
7. By 1875 the Indians had lost the fight and had to live in "reservations".
8. The Indians are bad and the White Man is good and brave in Hollywood films.
B. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. a 2. c 3.b 4. c
Task 2 New Australians
Key to Exercises
1. Match a name in Column I with a place in Column II to find where the person is from.
1---d 2---b 3---a 4---c
2. Write in Column II the number connected with each event mentioned in
第1个回答  2011-06-13