

Mike is a famous movie star, he not only young and handsome, adored by fans alike. In 2000, he played in a horror film. The detective through a detective Tegucigalpa and ask some questions, looking for neighbors to clues, finally caught the murderer. Because in this film as an important role, and perform very fascinating, he won the Oscar for best actor award. Next Saturday night 8; 00 ~ in the sunlight this film will 10:00 on television.
第1个回答  2011-04-08
Mike is a well-known movie star, he not only young and handsome, loved by the fans. In 2000, he played in a horror film, a detective. The detective asked neighbors by looking at the scene and some of the problems, to find clues to catch the murderers finally. As in the film as an important role, but also very exciting performances, he won the Oscar for Best Actor. Next Saturday at 8; 00 ~ 10:00 The film will be broadcast in the sun.
第2个回答  2011-04-08
MIlk is a very famous movie star, he is handsome and young, everybody likes him. in 2000, he was in a horror movie, everybody likes his acting, and he was the Oscar best actor. next saturday night 8:00 to 10:00 this movie will to played in Sunshine TV.
第3个回答  2011-04-19
Mike is a famous movie star, he not only young and handsome, adored by fans alike. In 2000, he played in a horror film. The detective through a detective Tegucigalpa and ask some questions, looking for neighbors to clues, finally caught the murderer. Because in this film as an important role, and perform very fascinating, he won the Oscar for best actor award. Next Saturday night 8; 00 ~ in the sunlight this film will 10:00 on television.