国外的非政府组织(NGO) 高分












  Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
  Each year, MSF volunteer doctors, nurses, logisticians, water-and-sanitation experts, administrators, and other medical and non-medical professionals depart on more than 3,800 aid missions. They work alongside more than 22,500 locally hired staff to provide medical care.

  In emergencies and their aftermath, MSF provides health care, rehabilitates and runs hospitals and clinics, performs surgery, battles epidemics, carries out vaccination campaigns, operates feeding centers for malnourished children, and offers mental health care. When needed, MSF also constructs wells and dispenses clean drinking water, and provides shelter materials like blankets and plastic sheeting.

  Through longer-term programs, MSF treats patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, sleeping sickness, and HIV/AIDS, and provides medical and psychological care to marginalized groups such as street children.

  MSF was founded in 1971 as a nongovernmental organization to both provide emergency medical assistance and bear witness publicly to the plight of the people it assists. A private nonprofit association, MSF is an international network with sections in 19 countries.

  Responding to Emergencies

  MSF is often one of the first humanitarian organizations to arrive at the scene of an emergency. Its large-scale logistical capacity ensures that MSF emergency teams hit the ground with the specialized medical kits and equipment they need to start saving lives immediately.

  Custom-designed by MSF for specific field situations, geographic conditions, and climates, a kit may contain a complete operating room, for example, or all of the supplies needed to treat hundreds of cholera patients. MSF kits and medical protocols have been replicated by relief organizations worldwide.

  MSF has proven expertise in the field of epidemiology and is often called on to monitor, diagnose, and control outbreaks of diseases, such as cholera, meningitis, and measles.

  Independent Humanitarian Action

  MSF's decision to intervene in any country or crisis is based solely on an independent assessment of people's needs — not on political, economic, or religious interests. MSF does not take sides or intervene according to the demands of governments or warring parties.

  MSF volunteers frequently work in the most remote or dangerous parts of the world. When crises unfold, they make themselves and their skills available on short notice, usually dedicating six to twelve months to each assignment. Their expenses are covered and they receive a modest stipend.

  MSF teams are composed of international volunteers and skilled local staff. Together, they work closely with national medical professionals and cooperate with other aid organizations.

  Speaking Out to End Suffering

  MSF unites direct medical care with a commitment to speaking out against the causes of suffering and the obstacles to providing effective assistance. MSF volunteers raise the concerns of their patients with governments, the United Nations, other international bodies, the general public, and the media. In a wide range of circumstances, MSF volunteers have spoken out against violations of international humanitarian law they have witnessed — from Chechnya to Sudan.

  Based on its field experience, MSF is addressing obstacles preventing people in the developing world from obtaining affordable, effective treatments for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. Through its Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, MSF is advocating to lower drug prices, stimulate research and development of new treatments, and overcome trade and other barriers to accessing treatments.

  In the United States and worldwide, MSF raises public awareness of the plight of people at risk. The organization sends field volunteers and staff to speak at international and national conferences, and arranges informational events and traveling exhibitions. Special public education projects have addressed the stark realities of living without access to medicines, the devastation caused by malnutrition, and the hardships of life in a refugee camp.

  Financial Independence and Accountability

  To maintain its operational independence and flexibility, MSF relies on the general public for nearly 80 percent of its operating funds. The remaining 20 percent of funds come from international agencies and governments. The organization counted more than 3.1 million individuals, foundations, corporations, and nonprofit organizations among its donors worldwide in 2004. In 2004, MSF's worldwide income was $568 million. In the United States, nearly 380,000 private donors contributed more than $91 million to MSF-USA.








  Expanding AIDS care and helping flood victims

  In China, an estimated 840,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS, although the actual number could be higher because only a small percentage of them have actually been tested and diagnosed as HIV-positive. Access to HIV/AIDS care is difficult for many due to China's market- oriented, fee-for-service approach to health care as well as ignorance, stigma and political sensitivity related to the disease. MSF provides care to HIV-positive individuals as well as emergency medical services for other vulnerable populations in China, including street children and flood survivors.

  In early 2003, MSF began a comprehensive HIV/AIDS treatment project in the city of Xiangfan in Hubei province. An estimated 45,000 people in this part of central China were infected with HIV through selling blood to illegal blood banks in the 1990s.

  At Xiangfan clinic MSF provides HIV-positive people with voluntary counseling and testing, care for opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis (TB), and treatment with life-extending antiretroviral (ARV) medicines. MSF is working closely with the Xiangfan Center for Disease Control to establish a model of care that can be replicated in other parts of China.

  As of July 2005, more than 300 patients were receiving care through the MSF clinic, and more than 90 of them were getting ARVs. MSF is working to reduce stigma in the community and to improve support for HIV-positive people through the use of peer educators, support groups and community meetings. MSF staff are also helping to improve care for HIV/AIDS patients at area hospitals.

  MSF also runs an HIV/AIDS project in the southern city of Nanning in Guangxi province. In operation since December 2003, the project had enrolled more than 400 patients, including 210 receiving ARVs, by August 2005. MSF offers comprehensive care including counseling, ARV treatment, care for opportunistic infections and specialized care for HIV-positive pregnant women and children.

  The MSF team is working actively with city and provincial health authorities to improve methods of diagnosis, treatment and management of HIV and related opportunistic infections. In conjunction with its HIV/AIDS projects in China, MSF is trying to remove barriers and improve access to essential medicines through advocacy and analysis.

  Despite China's policy of providing free ARVs to rural and poor urban populations, access to certain drugs remains problematic. One impediment is that intellectual property laws block the use of three-in-one ARV fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) which MSF uses widely in other countries. These combination pills are among the main tools used in AIDS programs to simplify treatment, improve adherence and reduce the risk of resistance.

  Access to FDCs for treatment of TB is also difficult, so patients coinfected with TB and HIV can be faced with a large number of pills that must be taken at specific times every day. Moreover, most pediatric formulations of ARVs are not yet available. Difficulty in obtaining the right tools for treatment makes it harder to provide patients with an acceptable quality of care. An MSF team consisting of a pharmacist, government-relations liaison and a Chinese staff member works full-time to document and conduct advocacy about these issues.

  Since March 2001, MSF has run a crisis center and shelter for children in Baoji, Shaanxi province, in collaboration with Chinese authorities. Some 20-30 children stay in the center at a time. Most of the youngsters have come to the center off the streets, where they collected plastic bottles for money and begged to survive.

  Abandoned by their families, sold into forced labor or left at a busy railway station, these children have been physically and psychologically abused or neglected. They arrive in need of psychological care and support, as well as food, shelter and medical care. After four years of operating the project, MSF has reached its program objectives. For example, authorities have altered laws that persecuted street children and are more aware of their problems. MSF will transfer responsibility for the project to another nongovernmental organization in January 2006.

  In July 2005, MSF responded to flooding in the southern provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong, along the South China Sea. After a quick evaluation, the team found that most medical needs had been covered but that the local population desperately needed housing and emergency supplies. MSF staff distributed hygiene kits, cooking utensils, building supplies, plastic sheeting, clothing and blankets to more than 1,240 families.

  MSF has worked in China since 1988.

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  * 贴子主题: 海外ngo介绍

  ch11www 头衔: 蜗牛仔
  门派: 斧头帮

  威望: +4
  来自: 广东广州
  总发贴数: 4125 篇
  注册日期: 2003/07/10

  消息 查看 搜索 好友 邮件 主页 ICQ 复制 引用 回复

  Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
  Each year, MSF volunteer doctors, nurses, logisticians, water-and-sanitation experts, administrators, and other medical and non-medical professionals depart on more than 3,800 aid missions. They work alongside more than 22,500 locally hired staff to provide medical care.

  In emergencies and their aftermath, MSF provides health care, rehabilitates and runs hospitals and clinics, performs surgery, battles epidemics, carries out vaccination campaigns, operates feeding centers for malnourished children, and offers mental health care. When needed, MSF also constructs wells and dispenses clean drinking water, and provides shelter materials like blankets and plastic sheeting.

  Through longer-term programs, MSF treats patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, sleeping sickness, and HIV/AIDS, and provides medical and psychological care to marginalized groups such as street children.

  MSF was founded in 1971 as a nongovernmental organization to both provide emergency medical assistance and bear witness publicly to the plight of the people it assists. A private nonprofit association, MSF is an international network with sections in 19 countries.

  Responding to Emergencies

  MSF is often one of the first humanitarian organizations to arrive at the scene of an emergency. Its large-scale logistical capacity ensures that MSF emergency teams hit the ground with the specialized medical kits and equipment they need to start saving lives immediately.

  Custom-designed by MSF for specific field situations, geographic conditions, and climates, a kit may contain a complete operating room, for example, or all of the supplies needed to treat hundreds of cholera patients. MSF kits and medical protocols have been replicated by relief organizations worldwide.

  MSF has proven expertise in the field of epidemiology and is often called on to monitor, diagnose, and control outbreaks of diseases, such as cholera, meningitis, and measles.

  Independent Humanitarian Action

  MSF's decision to intervene in any country or crisis is based solely on an independent assessment of people's needs — not on political, economic, or religious interests. MSF does not take sides or intervene according to the demands of governments or warring parties.

  MSF volunteers frequently work in the most remote or dangerous parts of the world. When crises unfold, they make themselves and their skills available on short notice, usually dedicating six to twelve months to each assignment. Their expenses are covered and they receive a modest stipend.

  MSF teams are composed of international volunteers and skilled local staff. Together, they work closely with national medical professionals and cooperate with other aid organizations.

  Speaking Out to End Suffering

  MSF unites direct medical care with a commitment to speaking out against the causes of suffering and the obstacles to providing effective assistance. MSF volunteers raise the concerns of their patients with governments, the United Nations, other international bodies, the general public, and the media. In a wide range of circumstances, MSF volunteers have spoken out against violations of international humanitarian law they have witnessed — from Chechnya to Sudan.

  Based on its field experience, MSF is addressing obstacles preventing people in the developing world from obtaining affordable, effective treatments for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. Through its Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, MSF is advocating to lower drug prices, stimulate research and development of new treatments, and overcome trade and other barriers to accessing treatments.

  In the United States and worldwide, MSF raises public awareness of the plight of people at risk. The organization sends field volunteers and staff to speak at international and national conferences, and arranges informational events and traveling exhibitions. Special public education projects have addressed the stark realities of living without access to medicines, the devastation caused by malnutrition, and the hardships of life in a refugee camp.

  Financial Independence and Accountability

  To maintain its operational independence and flexibility, MSF relies on the general public for nearly 80 percent of its operating funds. The remaining 20 percent of funds come from international agencies and governments. The organization counted more than 3.1 million individuals, foundations, corporations, and nonprofit organizations among its donors worldwide in 2004. In 2004, MSF's worldwide income was $568 million. In the United States, nearly 380,000 private donors contributed more than $91 million to MSF-USA.









  2006/01/26 01:46pm IP: 已设置保密

  ch11www 头衔: 蜗牛仔
  门派: 斧头帮

  威望: +4
  来自: 广东广州
  总发贴数: 4125 篇
  注册日期: 2003/07/10

  消息 查看 搜索 好友 邮件 主页 ICQ 复制 引用 回复

  Expanding AIDS care and helping flood victims

  In China, an estimated 840,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS, although the actual number could be higher because only a small percentage of them have actually been tested and diagnosed as HIV-positive. Access to HIV/AIDS care is difficult for many due to China's market- oriented, fee-for-service approach to health care as well as ignorance, stigma and political sensitivity related to the disease. MSF provides care to HIV-positive individuals as well as emergency medical services for other vulnerable populations in China, including street children and flood survivors.

  In early 2003, MSF began a comprehensive HIV/AIDS treatment project in the city of Xiangfan in Hubei province. An estimated 45,000 people in this part of central China were infected with HIV through selling blood to illegal blood banks in the 1990s.

  At Xiangfan clinic MSF provides HIV-positive people with voluntary counseling and testing, care for opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis (TB), and treatment with life-extending antiretroviral (ARV) me