

  No Smoking in All Public Places
  Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom.
  As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many nonsmokers are against smoking.
  In public places, the harm of smoking is greater. This is connected with another effect of smoking. That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous vapour off into the air.
  Therefore, that the government ban smoking is very necessary and important to us. It is a measure to protect our health and environment. So many people, especially nonsmokers are Ior tile policy.
  Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom. I think it is a one-sided view. If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places. In fact, smokers still have the freedom of smoking.
  But, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial to all of us.

第1个回答  2011-01-18
The studies didn''t just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too, are apparently affected by the smoke from their friends, family members and strangers who light up in their presence.
A steady stream of reports documented the statistical risks of contracting cancer or suffering from heart disease, even if you''ve never put a cigarette to your lips.
The American Heart Association last fall released a seven-year study showing that never-smoking spouses of smokers have more than a 20 percent greater chance of death from coronary heart disease than those who have never smoked who live with non-smokers. That study gave more impetus to the drive to make workplaces and other public areas smoke-free.
The effects of smoking are hard on the children of smokers as well, the studies say. Dr. Claude Hanet of the St. Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium, said earlier this year that a baby born to a smoking mother "should be considered an ex-smoker",
Hanet''s study cautioned that cigarette smoke was more detrimental with decreasing age.
And a University of Birmingham, England, study, published in the British Journal of Cancer showed a possible link between fathers who smoked and an increased incidence of cancels in their children, while studies in the U.S. showed a possible link between smoking and DNA damage.
第2个回答  2011-01-18
第3个回答  2011-01-18