

第1个回答  2011-01-25
This agreement shall be the principles that both parties should abide by for the products. Should any party have any amendment opinion, the other party should be informed. With mutual agreement, a written way should be adopted for supplement or modification of this agreement at the meantime, otherwise it shall be regarded null. After all the annexes to this agreement were signed by the authorized representatives of both parties, they should come into effect at the same time and with the same validness with this agreement. After the signature of this agreement, Party B shall develop the products with the development progress in accordance with Party A's requirement.
Development Period: should be completed within 100 days after the signature of the development agreement (not including holidays);
Payment Period: within 5 months after making out of the invoice.
Party A (Stamp):
Representative (Signature):本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-25
翻译:This Agreement shall be the product of both sides to abide by the principle that any party has amended opinion, should be agreed by both parties have notified each other, while in text way agreement to supplement or modify, or regarded as invalid. All attachments to this Agreement signed by authorized representatives of entry into force of this Agreement at the same time, have the same effect.After the signing of this agreement shall be in accordance with Party B's development progress requires development of products.
Development cycle: product development, with 100 days after signing the contract completion (holidays);
Payment period: 5 months after invoice
Party units (Signature):
Representative (signature):
第3个回答  2011-01-25
This Agreement shall be the product of both sides to abide by the principle that any party has amended opinion, should be agreed by both parties have notified each other, while in text way agreement to supplement or modify, or regarded as invalid. All attachments to this Agreement signed by authorized representatives of entry into force of this Agreement at the same time, have the same effect. After the signing of this agreement shall be in accordance with Party B's development progress requires development of products.
Development cycle: product development, with 100 days after signing the contract completion (holidays):
Payment period: 5 months after invoice
Party units (Signature):
Representative (signature):
第4个回答  2011-01-26
Erreqyr hfkaf fglake fgtai rquir kgsgoq , lqgrq uryoiqyt sjgfoui jflwke gflet akgfi sggr fyaguf gfjgfjg glseifg urwiog aogwyrfg . Loegyrh shguir xjkhvwi, wuftgo. Kxhv slhfdgjk
ksjhfjmn hsfgefrfgr . Mzxvbfghjfg hfsjkeh jsegfj kfgueyzhjg jzfg fhaejgy, fgeuy afegvufg
ahgef agefgah, hgawfytau hzfeayet agefhafv .Agjzgurg , hgseytjgf jsgfeyos wihzh bvedg,
ggfghg gdrt.