I live in London and I was on my way to visit my

I live in London and I was on my way to visit my cousins in Wales. I was driving on the
motorway at around 70 mph when somehow I couldn't   __1__   my car. I was involved in
a scary collision with a smaller car, which had a family with three young children.   __2__,
no one was hurt but the experience was very frightening.
     There was so much smoke that my first   __3__   was to just get out of my car as fast as
possible. I could   __4__   the children from the car behind me screaming and crying as I
was trying to get out of my car. When I got out, I could see their mum was trying to   __5__
  her crying children and move them away from the smoking car at the same time. I kept
thinking "Oh my god, these children are so young" and I felt so   __6__  that I'd collided
with them.
      I thought it would be  __7__   that the parents would be so angry and upset at me. But
instead of being angry, the mum simply said to me, "Come here. You need to join in our hug."
      It was such a wonderful, warm  __8__   from someone whose family had just been hit by
me! I can't tell you how   __9__   I was by that.
      While this was happening, the father was trying to get the children's coats out of the back
of his car   __10__   it was freezing. He didn't see what had happened but when he came
back, he asked me if I was okay and then gave me a hug too! I couldn't   __11__   it! I
remember thinking how lucky those children were to be   __12__ by such amazing parents who

I live in London and I was on my way to visit my cousins in Wales. I was driving on themotorway at around 70 mph when somehow I couldn't __STOP__ my car. I was involved in a scary collision with a smaller car, which had a family with three young children. __ALTHOUGH__,no one was hurt but the experience was very frightening. There was so much smoke that my first __THING__ was to just get out of my car as fast aspossible. I could __ATTACK__ the children from the car behind me screaming and crying as I was trying to get out of my car. When I got out, I could see their mum was trying to __FUCK OFF__ her crying children and move them away from the smoking car at the same time. I kept thinking "Oh my god, these children are so young" and I felt so __UPSET__ that I'd collided with them. I thought it would be __WORSE__ that the parents would be so angry and upset at me. But instead of being angry, the mum simply said to me, "Come here. You need to join in our hug." It was such a wonderful, warm __THING__ from someone whose family had just been hit by me! I can't tell you how __WORSE__ I was by that. While this was happening, the father was trying to get the children's coats out of the backof his car __ALTHOUGH__ it was freezing. He didn't see what had happened but when he came back, he asked me if I was okay and then gave me a hug too! I couldn't __REFUSE__ it! I remember thinking how lucky those children were to be __FUCKED__ by such amazing parents whowou概括
第1个回答  2013-12-23
第2个回答  2013-12-23