

1. Grave-sweeping is a traditional custom during Qingming Festival, where people visit the graves of their ancestors to pay respects and clean the tombstones.
2. Instead of cooking, people traditionally consume cold foods on this day. This practice symbolizes the cold nature of the season and the mourning aspect of the festival.
3. The act of extinguishing fires is a significant part of Qingming celebrations, known as "禁火" (jìn huǒ), which reflects the importance of respecting the deceased and the celestial spirits.
4. Another custom is to sweep the tombs, which is a way to express filial piety and maintain the graves of ancestors.
5. Qingming is also a time for outdoor activities such as踏青 (tà qīng), which means "treading on the green," referring to the practice of going on a walk in the countryside to enjoy the fresh spring air.
6. Swinging on a swing, 荡秋千 (dàng qiū qiān), is a popular pastime during the festival, symbolizing the light-heartedness that comes with the arrival of spring.
7. The traditional sport of 蹴鞠 (cù jū) is played, which is a form of ancient soccer, promoting physical activity and joyous celebration.
8. Horseball, 马球 (mǎ qiú), is another activity that was enjoyed during the Qingming Festival, showcasing the competitive and festive nature of the occasion.
9. Placing willow branches around the tomb is a custom that symbolizes the renewal of life and the hope that the deceased will find peace in the afterlife.
10. The festival of Cold Food Day, 寒食节 (hán shí jié), which precedes Qingming, is a time of strict fasting and no cooking. It is a time for reflection and mourning.
11. There is a folk belief that needles should not be used on this day, as it is thought to anger the spirits.
12. Laundry should not be washed in the evening before Qingming, and it is customary to draw a line of ash outside the front door to ward off evil spirits and protect the home.