
1. How to keep a good state of mind?
2. What are your opinions about your campus life?
3. Why do we have to study harder than before?
4. What is your favorite job in the future?
5. What about your views for the love in campus?
6. How to be a dutiful child?
7. What kind of friends do you like best?
8. Do you feel you are a very happy person,why?
9. Who influences you best in your life,why?
10. How to protect our environment do you think?

1. How to keep a good state of mind?
*** If you have a good state of mind , you will have a nice time everyday. But how to keep a good state of mind ? All right, let's do as the follows. First of all,we shoud have smile to everyone, anything and everyday. The second is that dont lose your temper easily. If there is something which you can't stand, just clam down and breath the freach air. Then try to smile to yourself first. Thinking about you would get older once angery. At the same time, whether you are depressed, you just follows the above words, slme all the time, you could be the happy one .Naturely, the good sate of mind is easy to keep, right?***
2. What are your opinions about your campus life?
***Nowdays, our campus lift includes many funny things which we have good life there. We have good frinds there who could have lunch with me and play game with me. Also, there are many excentlent teachers who always lead me to live and study; I could do more here than home. there are interseting things hanppens everday. Oh, I love my campus lift****

3. Why do we have to study harder than before?
*** We study all the time whenever I was six or sixteen. Why we should study? Ok, we all know that study make us smart. But why we have to study harder than before? Most of us couldn't understand this matters. There are many reasons. just like we study harder for our attentending univercity; we learn for our furtuer work and life. we study for our parents having good life,and etc. All right, there really exits many reasons in our heart. However the reason is, we should study harder.The important one is that we shoud do anything harder. That's the antitude of living.***

4. What is your favorite job in the future?
*** In my childhood, someone asked me"what is your favorite job in the future?" I always answered with different words just like doctor, police man and teacher, even supperman. Haha, that's very funny ,right? With my age's growth, I realise that my favorite job is teacher.
Maybe many people think that the teacher have good salary and vacation with students. All right, I acknowledge But on the other side, the teacher is very sared job in my heart. It could brings knowledge to students . At the same time, it could brings happiness to everyone. To be a teacher, I could see many smileing face everday and got happy from them. I will try my best to be a good teacher in the future.***

5. What about your views for the love in campus?
*** To facing the love in campus, many people have their different views . Some of them think that it's harmful to student's caused that it effects their study. On the opposite, I don't agree with them. In my opinion, the love in campus could close the communication between students. The couples could study together. At the same time, they could learn how to care for each other. For this, they could get more and groth in the future life. I suppose the love in campus.***

6. How to be a dutiful child?
To be a child, we should piety the olderman ,our parents and the older than us. Espeacilly, we should to be a dutiful child for my parents. That's not only the Chinese tranditional virtue, but also a standerd of a man. When you are a child, you should help mother to wash clostes, help dad to take bags. When you are eighteen, you also should do the same as the childhood and try to take the duty by youself. When you have marriged, you still dao the same as the eighteen and try to do something just like the parent did for you before. Cause your parent love you and you love your parent, stay with them once you are free,,dot's let them alone. ok?***

7. What kind of friends do you like best?
***Maybe we have many different kinds of friends,. And what kind of friends do yo like best? I like the senerly friends best. They awlays think for you. Even if we have't seen for may years , we also miss each other . Even if we don't talk and stay together, we also keep good communication with each other. Cause we had sad and happy together. The distance and time are not the trouble to us. I love my friends***

8. Do you feel you are a very happy person,why?
*** I feel that I am a very happy person now. I have many good firends in my life. I have a nice boyfriend accompany with me; I have a happy family ; I have a good work and some nice workmates......(自己添加哦) I feel I am the best happy person in the world.***

9. Who influences you best in your life,why?
My dad is a gretness person for me and he influences me best in my life. My dad is a good father, he take care of me kindly. He bring up me a happy person and leave may beautiful memoery for my life. He also is a good teacher. He teach me many things that couldn't learn in the schools. I learn more about faith/fight/ strong/and happy. I love my dad***

10. How to protect our environment do you think?
*** Nowadays, our environment is worse than before. We should protect our environment together. We should starting small. For example, we could reuse the warter which was dirty to wash the shoes. We could reuse the papers which was used to write on the other side; We could make good use of everything that we can use.****
第1个回答  2010-12-28
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