
To a large extent , what was called “the utopian-realist controversy”——one of the great debates of international-relations theory——focused on the extent to which political behavior and the anarchical circumstances of international politics could be transformed to a conditions of world order,based on cooperative normative standards and global interdependence. Emphasizing how international relationships ought to be conducted , the utopians despised balance-of-power politics, national armaments, the use of force in international affairs, and the secret treaties of alliance that preceded World War Ⅰ.Instead, they attached very great importance to international legal rights and obligations, a natural harmony of interest in peace as a regulator for preservation of international peace, a heavy reliance on reason in human affairs, and confidence in the peace-building function of world public opinion. Realists, on the contrary, stressed power and interest rather than ideals in international relations. Realism is basically conservative,empirical,suspicious of idealistic principles,and respectful of the lessons of history.
Nevertheless,Carr,a pragmatist ,took utopians and realists to task. He suggested that whereas the utopians ignore the lessons of history, the realists often read history too pessimistically. Whereas the idealist exaggerates freedom of choice, the realist exaggerates fixed casualty and slips into determinism. While the idealist may confuse national self-interest with universal moral principles, the realist runs the risk of cynicism and fails to provide any ground for purposive and meaningful action. He concludes that sound political theories contains elements of utopianism and realism , of power and of moral values.


第1个回答  2010-12-11
在很大的程度上,什么是所谓的“乌托邦式的现实主义之争” - 对的国际关系理论的大辩论之一 - 在多大程度上重点,以使政治行为和国际政治的无政府的情况下可以转化为一个条件世界秩序的基础上,合作社的规范标准和全球相互依存关系。强调国际关系应该如何进行,是乌托邦鄙视平衡的强权政治,国防军备,在国际事务中使用武力,以及联盟,二战之前Ⅰ秘密条约。相反,他们十分重视对国际法律权利和义务,但在和平的利益作为对国际和平,对人类事务的原因的严重依赖,并在世界公众舆论的和平建设职能的信心保存调节自然的和谐。现实主义者,与此相反,强调在国际关系中,而不是理想的力量和兴趣。现实主义基本上是保守的,经验的,可疑的理想主义原则,以及尊重历史的教训。