英语对话,题目是What do you think of gay


i have some
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi im 17 male looking to cyber with a gay OR straight guy
You: hi
You: if i tell you im a gay,will you discriminate against me?
Stranger: no, im gay.
You: wow~~
You: cool
You: top or bottom?
Stranger: bottom
You: great
You: im top
Stranger: mmmm asl?
You: im horny,baby
Stranger: im horny..now. :)
You: wank
Stranger: im waiting to see what youre going to do to me ;)
You: ur handsome,aren't you?
Stranger: i guess you could say that
You: i
Stranger: are you?
You: i will put my hard dick inside ofyou
Stranger: mmmmm do it
You: you complete me
Stranger: how big are you
You: 18
You: and you?
Stranger: inches?
You: could you give me a head?
Stranger: ill try
Stranger: but your dick is 18 inches?
You: yep
Stranger: oh god do you have a pic?!
You: make you pain and happy
You: i dont have webcams
Stranger: do you have a picture of your dick?
You: but i will give you one if you give me email
Stranger: [email protected]
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 m canada
You: maybe you can become my BF
You: im 20
Stranger: maybe, i dont know. where are you from
You: US
Stranger: mmm can i see that picture?
You: ok right now
Stranger: just tell me when you send it
You: do you have nude cam?
Stranger: i have a picture of me nide
Stranger: nude*
You: great
You: i cant wait to see that
Stranger: i cant wait to see you
You: haha i mean that
Stranger: :), have you sent it yet
You: wait for a minute
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i have a picture of me nide
Stranger: nude*
You: great
You: i cant wait to see that
Stranger: i cant wait to see you
You: haha i mean that
Stranger: :), have you sent it yet
You: wait for a minute
Stranger: ok
第1个回答  2010-12-12
第2个回答  2010-12-12
I think you want to know how the other people think Gay!
I can accept them!
第3个回答  2010-12-16
A: what do you think of purchasing on line?
B: i love it because it is very cheap!
C: i think otherwise, i don't like to shop on line because i'm not sure if i should believe in it or not.
B: but it's also very convienent, you don't have to go all around the shop to find what you want.
A: i think everyone has his own opinions. i'll try to shop on line myself to see if it's good for me or not
第4个回答  2010-12-12