
Write a short passage (100~120 words) with the title: Drug Facts in the United States based on the outline and chart below.
1. Do a brief analysis of the information shown in the chart;
2. Draw your own conclusion about the issue.

Drug Facts in the United State










第1个回答  2010-12-15
Drug is everywhere and with anyone in United states, especially during the young people about the age from 18 to 20, and the younger generation do more seriously be affected by it than the older, which is obviosly showing on the profile, so what the government should do to improve this situation need us to think, such as higer the drug's price to decrease the drug quantity they use, or formally informed young people before 18 years old can't by it and so on, there must be more efficient methods to implement, and wish more and more people will used to get off from drug, that's all.
第2个回答  2010-12-15
It's really quite surprising that in the United States, drug abuse is so serious. From the chart, we can clearly see that even very young children at age of 12 and 13 begin to take drugs. And young people takes drugs more than adults, among which, the percentage of young drug addicts at age of 18, 19 and 20 is 22.4 which are much higher than expected. Some proper and effective measurements should be carried out to stop such situation crack down drug abuse. We should take close attention to the healthy growth of young people since they overtake the responsibility to build a bright future. Say no to drugs.