tell sb to do sth和tell sb doing sth的区别是什么?


"Tell sb doing sth" 和 "Tell sb to do sth" 是两种不同的表达方式,它们在用法和意义上有一些区别:


1. "Tell sb doing sth":这个结构中,动词的-ing形式表示正在进行的动作。它用来描述告诉某人正在进行的特定活动或状态。例如:

- She told me she was studying for her exams.(她告诉我她正在为考试而学习。)

- He told the kids they were playing too loudly.(他告诉孩子们他们玩得太吵了。)

2. "Tell sb to do sth":这个结构中,动词的原形(不带to)表示命令、建议或要求。它用来说明告诉某人去做某事。例如:

- My boss told me to finish the report by the end of the day.(我的老板告诉我要在今天结束前完成报告。)

- They told him to be quiet during the meeting.(他们告诉他在会议期间保持安静。)

总结来说,"Tell sb doing sth" 强调的是告知某人当前正在进行的动作或状态,而 "Tell sb to do sth" 则是指示或要求某人去做某事。具体使用哪一种结构取决于你想要表达的内容和语境。
