

1. The correct spelling of the word "shoe" in English is "shoe".
2. The pronunciation of "shoe" in English is [ʃu:] (UK) or [ʃu] (US).
3. "Shoe" can be used as a noun to refer to an article of clothing worn on the feet, or as a verb to mean to attach shoes to an animal or to provide someone with shoes.
4. Example sentence 1: "The shoe fits poorly and has rubbed the skin." (The shoe is uncomfortable and has caused irritation to the skin.)
5. Example sentence 2: "Low-heeled, comfortable shoes are best." (Opt for shoes with low heels for comfort.)
6. Example sentence 3: "The shoes go on the shoe shelf." (Place the shoes on a designated shelf for footwear.)
7. "Shoe" is the singular form of the noun and "shoes" is the plural form.
8. The third person singular present tense of "shoe" is "shoes."
9. The present participle of "shoe" is "shoing."
10. The past tense and past participle of "shoe" are both "shod."
11. Phrases involving "shoe":
- "Be in sb's shoes" means to be in a particular person's position or situation.
- "Fill sb's shoes/boots" implies replacing someone in a position or role.
- "Step into sb's shoes" indicates taking over someone's job or responsibilities.
- "Shake in your shoes" (informally) describes being very scared or nervous.