look out是什么意思


"look out" 是一个短语动词,有以下几种常见的意思:



3、突然发现:表示当某些事情被意识到时,可以用“look out”这个短语动词来表示。


总之,“look out”这个短语动词的含义主要涉及到观察、小心、留神、照料和照看等方面。

look out造句

1、Look out! That car is coming too fast!

2、While hiking in the mountains, always look out for falling rocks.

3、Before crossing the street, remember to look out for cars, bikes, and pedestrians.

4、Look out, there's a snake!

5、The weather forecast warns us to look out for a possible storm tonight.

6、They told us to look out for pickpockets in the crowded train station.

7、My mom always reminds me to look out for my little brother when she's not home.

8、The captain told the sailors to look out for the approaching storm.

9、When working with tools, it's important to look out for safety hazards.

10、The police officer yelled at the pedestrians to look out of the way of the chase.
