
(3)All skin types can become more fragile and delicate at certain times in life , and there are factors that can increase cutaneous sensitivity or even worsen the conditions of subjects already prone to sensitive skin. With age the problem can worsen due to hormonal fluctuation and decrease in sebaceous secretions that make skin weaker.
The main cause of hyper-sensitivityin skin is an impoverishment of the hydro-lipid film which protects skin. The loss of this natural defence determines an inflammatory reaction with consequent release of particular cellular mediators , so called cytochines, responsible for common symptoms such as : erythema, heat , itching, pain ,sometimes oedema.
From Becos , international partner specialized in professional skin care, comes a new ,innovative treatment specifically formulated for sensitive skins , enriched with Chronocalm TM , able to work on different fronts:
^inhibits the activities of cytochines.
^stimulates the release of Calcium, fundamental element of cellular metabolism,which trends to decrease with age especially in the female organism , helping skin to re-establish its regenerative functions.
^helps to restore the cutaneous lipid layer creating a protective film to protect it from external aggressions
^ stimulates the production of specific endorphins called “pleasure hormones” which alleviate the fastidious feeling of itching or burning typical of sensitive skins.
The Intensive Fortifying Treatment is a professional treatment of extraordinary completeness, rich in nutritious agents which give the skin all the comfort it needs . The cutaneous reactions and inflammation find immediate relief , redness reduces, and the complexion is more compact . The skin appears re-densified,fresh, stronger .

第1个回答  2010-11-30


从好看国际合作,从事专业护肤,出现了一种新的、创新治疗专门制定了敏感的皮肤,富含Chronocalm TM,能够将英语作为工作在不同的方面:





