

1. 勤奋和持续坚持。大多数人学不好英语根本的原因是懒惰和三天打鱼两天晒网。

2. 把英语当成一门声音而不是文字来学。英语首先是一门声音,文字不过是声音的标本而已。所以大量的声音输入和输出是必不可少的,早期要多运用耳朵和嘴巴,少用眼睛。一个儿童学会母语靠得就是听说,打通耳朵是其学习语言的第一步,它首先在它听不懂的噪音里建立声音秩序。想学好英语复读机是绝 对不可少的工具,你不用坏几部复读机你的英语绝对是哑巴英语。

3. 建议从学单词开始就听音背单词,建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力。而且英语单词的拼写大多数是有规律的,你记住了它的声音,拼写也就简单了,你说也就能脱口而出了。

第1个回答  2010-12-21
Take it easy. First of all, do some reading. Just begin with something you are interested in. Besides, if you are preparing for some exams, do some exercises following your teachers' advice.Then take notes on the useful expressions you meet with in your exercises. Go over them now and then. Good luck.
第2个回答  2010-12-21
I think you just do it as the following advises:
1 pay attention to the grammar
2 relax the tongue,speaking just like you first language for chinese
3 more reading and writing,and use it in sentence and communication
as the above,it's just my opinion,pls have a consideration and contact me if there is concern
