翻译spice和spicy有什么区别的 细致点的 例句


spice 英 [spaɪs] 美 [spaɪs]
名词n. 香料;情趣;调味品;少许
例句:So if you are lucky enough to have one or two markets in which you can write and sustainregular work from, always remember that variety is the spice of life. 所以,如果你有幸可以在一到两个市场上写你所喜欢的题材并内能够维持定期写作的话,你要一直记得,多样性是生活的调味品。
及物动词vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味
例句:He never forgot to spice up the talks with coarse jokes.

spicy 英 ['spaɪsɪ] 美 ['spaɪsi]

形容词adj. 辛辣的;香的,多香料的
例句:I came from Thailand and most Thai food is spicy. 我来自泰国,并且大多数泰国菜是辣的
第1个回答  2017-02-13
This restaurant put a lot of spice in their food to make it taste better.
This store sells some spices that you can't find at the supermarket.
I'm sweating because the soup is too spicy for me.
Can you ask the waiter if this dish is spicy or not?