

Kumarajiva (Kum you can Raj ī VA,344-413), a translation of "Kumarajiva (Jain) Po" merchants "Roth" or "why" free translation "Tong Shou". Native Indian and mixed-race, birth to guizi State of Western regions (present-day kuqa, Xinjiang), prominent family, whose ancestors for generations, a handsome dandy, well known. Kumarajiva talent at an early age of extraordinary, six could talk, could read by the age of three and started reading at age five, seven monks together with her, had been traveling in India States, visit the famous Dade, delve into the wonderful meaning. He was young and sophisticated, and familiarity with both Sanskrit and Han Chinese Buddhism versed. Broadcom Mahayana, Hinayana. Fluent in Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan monk and proficient control easily, is the Tripitaka Dharma Master first, and Hsuan Tsang, do not empty, meaning and said four Chinese translation. Among the four translations by family first, originator of translation studies, master of Linguistics.
鸠摩罗什(Kumārajīva,344-413), 一译“鸠摩罗什(耆)婆”,略称“罗什”或“什”,意译“童寿”。祖籍天竺,混血,出生于西域龟兹国(今新疆库车),家世显赫,其祖上世代为相,倜傥不群,驰名遐迩。鸠摩罗什自幼天资超凡,半岁会说话,三岁能认字,五岁开始博览群书,七岁跟随母亲一同出家,曾游学天竺诸国,遍访名师大德,深究妙义。他年少精进,又博闻强记,既通梵语,又娴汉文,佛学造诣极深。博通大乘小乘。精通经藏、律藏、论藏三藏,并能熟练运用,掌控自如,乃三藏法师第一人,与玄奘、不空、真谛并称中国佛教四大译经家。位列四大译经家之首,翻译学鼻祖,语言学大师。