

1.作为一个中国人,我为中国灿烂的古代文明而骄傲. (as)
As a Chinese, I am proud of the ancient culture of China.

2.听到那个消息,他们激动的哭了. (hear)
They were excited and cried when they heard that news.

3.看见父母再人群中招手,我快速的跑向他们. (when)
I run fast to them when I saw my parents waved in the crowd.

4.再全国人民的关注下,翟志刚完成了太空行走. (in)
in the attention of the whole poeple, Zhai zhigang finished the spacewalk

5.如果时间允许的话,我再走之前会拜访几位老朋友. (permit)
If time is permitted, I will visit several old friends of mine before I leave.

Mary was the only student in my school who attended that conference.

Tne population of this country is about half of that one.

The tree has bared many apples, part of which are ripe.

That day Tom had been waiting till I came back.

10.昨天我们正要回家,这时天下起了大雨。(the moment)
It rained yesterday the moment we were about to go back home.

There are many chances in a person's life, but the more important is that how to catch these chances.

12.毫无疑问,政府将采取一切措施来防止这种疾病的蔓延。(take measures)
Without inhibitions, the government will completely take measures to prevent the spread of this disease

13.你觉得有没有必要把高中未毕业的孩子送到国外留学?(study abroad)
Do you think it's necessary to send children undergraduted from junior high school for studying abroad?

14.人人生来平等,因此我们决不能看不起那些出身贫寒的人。(look down)
Everybody is equal when they bore, so we mustn't look down the people who have low class origin.

Japanese is considered more easily study than English, but to tell the truth, it isn't like that.

Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly,the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

17.无论何时何地有紧急状况,可以拨打110求救。(there is)
Whenever and whoever there is emergency,you can dial 110 for help.

I had such a good experience that i will never forget it.

19.他停了一会儿,这样学生就有时间来思考他的问题。(so that)
He stopped for a while, so that the students could have time to think his question over.

Watching zhe five-star red flag being raised, the athletes were so excited that tears came into their eyes.

Theycare climbing higher in order that they canget a better view.

22.多带些衣服以防天气转冷。(in case)
Take more clother with you in case the weather turns codl.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Since you know you are wrong ,you'd better admit it.

I will tell you the secret if you don't tell anyone else about it.
第1个回答  2009-01-25
第3个回答  2009-01-25
There are too many vehicles to have enough parking lot.

I check e-mail twice a day.

My friend needs to (have to/should)work in Monday evening.

You need to defeat the fever. You should take some aspirin.

She is not so experienced as John in training.

I find it is a good method to fall asleep.

7. 与其他人相比,他更适合这项工作。
Compared with others, he fits for this job more.

8. 在上海图书馆,学生们能找到各种各样的书籍。
In Shanghai Libarary, all kinds of books are available to students.

9. 给我印象最深的是他总是那么谦虚和彬彬有礼。
what's most impressed me is that he is always so modest and polite.

10. 正如报道中指出的,要求同工同酬是合乎情理的。
As is reported, the demand of rewards equaling to work is resonable.

11. 我起初认为他是无罪的,结果我错了。
At the begining,I think he is innocent, but I am wrong.

12. 有一定的急救知识常常意味着生死之别。
Owning some knowledge about first aid always means the difference between alive and death.

13. 将与下周举办的慈善活动旨在帮助那些在空难中遇难的人们。
The charitable activity that will be held next week is mean to hlep those people died in plane crash.

14. 我的父母总是劝我别和坏孩子一起玩。
My parents always warn me not to play with bad kids,

15. 经过多年的奋斗,他仍然一事无成。
After years of arduous efforts, he still achieves nothing

16. 目前他们该做的是如何防止疾病的蔓延,而不是讨论是谁的责任。
At present, what they should do is to prevent the spread of disease, rather than discuss it is whoes responsibility.

17. 他不是一个实话实说的人。
He is not an honest man.

18. 从前人们养狗主要是为了保护自己免遭抢劫。
In the past, people keep a dog mainly to protect themselvs from being robbed.

19. 研究显示,人们的饮食习惯正在迅速的改变。
The research indicates that people’s eating habits is chaging rapidly.

20. 对于一个好学生来说,具有良好的品德,强健的身体和扎实的知识都是十分必要的。
It is necessary for an excellent student to own good virtues and sold basic knowledge.

21. 这就是许多人具有健康洁白的牙齿的原因。
It is the reason that many people have healthy and white teeth.

22. 万万不可把这么多的钱给一个小孩。
On no account should you give so much money to a kid.

23. 新的规定将于秋季学期的开始时生效。
It is not until autum term that the new rule begin to take effect.

24. 这种新药对这类疾病是否有效还是一个问题。
Whether the new meathod works on the kind of disease still remains a question.

25. 他的聪明不仅表现在学习上,也表现在他对日常事件的处理中。
His smart lies not only on study, but also on handling daily affairs.
第4个回答  2009-01-29
There are too many vehicles to have enough parking lot.

I check e-mail twice a day.

My friend needs to (have to/should)work in Monday evening.

You need to defeat the fever. You should take some aspirin.

She is not so experienced as John in training.

I find it is a good method to fall asleep.

7. 与其他人相比,他更适合这项工作。
Compared with others, he fits for this job more.

8. 在上海图书馆,学生们能找到各种各样的书籍。
In Shanghai Libarary, all kinds of books are available to students.

9. 给我印象最深的是他总是那么谦虚和彬彬有礼。
what's most impressed me is that he is always so modest and polite.

10. 正如报道中指出的,要求同工同酬是合乎情理的。
As is reported, the demand of rewards equaling to work is resonable.

11. 我起初认为他是无罪的,结果我错了。
At the begining,I think he is innocent, but I am wrong.

12. 有一定的急救知识常常意味着生死之别。
Owning some knowledge about first aid always means the difference between alive and deat
1, too many cars, but do not have enough parking places

There are too many vehicles to have enough parking lot.

2, I check twice a day e-mail

I check e-mail twice a day.

3, my friends have to work Monday evening

My friend needs to (have to / should) work in Monday evening.

4, you need to bring down a fever. You should eat aspirin.

You need to defeat the fever. You should take some aspirin.

5, engaged in training, she might as well have experience John.

She is not so experienced as John in training.

6. I see that this is a good way to go to sleep.

I find it is a good method to fall asleep.

7. Compared with others, he is more suited to this task.

Compared with others, he fits for this job more.

8. In the Shanghai Library, students can find all sorts of books.

In Shanghai Libarary, all kinds of books are available to students.

9. Give me the deepest impression is that he is always so humble and polite.

what's most impressed me is that he is always so modest and polite.

10. As the report pointed out, the requirements of equal pay for equal work is reasonable.

As is reported, the demand of rewards equaling to work is resonable.

11. At first I think he is innocent, the result I was wrong.

At the begining, I think he is innocent, but I am wrong.

12. There are some first aid knowledge often means that the difference between life and death.

Owning some knowledge about first aid always means the difference between alive and deat
第5个回答  2009-02-03
悬赏分:200 - 离问题结束还有13 天15 小时 Reward points: 200 - away from the issue
去年高考结束后,有个陌生的QQ加我。 After the end of last year's college entrance examination, a stranger plus I QQ. 让我有些摸不清楚。 Let me clear some touch.

他上来就问我:“你是个老师吗?” He asked me up: "You are a teacher?"

我并没回答他,反问到:“你怎么找到我的。” I do not answer him, and asked to: "how can you find me."

他回答:“被老师逼的,考大学紧张了,没考好,落榜了,有些郁闷就上网随意找,看我的文章,就加了过来。” He replied: "The force has been a teacher, took the university entrance exam tension, and did not test well, failed, and some depressed on the Internet can find, read my article over on the increase."

我问:“你老师什么水平?” I asked: "Do you what level the teacher?"

他说:“高级教师,全省都有名。” He said: "a senior teacher, the province who have."

我问:“你平时什么水平?” I asked: "what level do you usually?"

他说:“我平时的模拟分数国内的好大学随意挑。” He said: "I usually analog scores of domestic arbitrarily pick a good university."

我反问到:“你老师可真‘行’!” I asked to: "Do you really teachers' line '!"

他听完无语了。 He listened to the silent.

当然我的“行”是种反语的味道。 Of course my "trip" is a taste of irony.

其实无论一个老师的水平有多高,关键要明白自己也要明白学生,真正的好老师是应该可以使贪玩的学生变得爱学习,而不是手握那些本来就是好学生的分数条。 In fact, a teacher no matter how high the level, the key is to understand their students have to understand, the real good teacher should be able to make fun of the students can become love learning, rather than hand those who have scores of students is a good article.

而这类老师还分好多种,有轻松教学法的,也有考试战神型的,当然还有其他类型。 And such a good teacher is also a variety of points, there are easily pedagogy, but also God of War type of examination and, of course, other types. 不管如何,有以游戏赢得满堂彩的,也有以考学获得良好盛誉的。 In any case, have to win games Mantang color, but also to test a good reputation of the school. 了解自己也了解学生的老师是最高明的,无论方法。 Understanding of their students are also aware of the teacher is the highest prescribed, regardless of method.

而文章开头提到那位老师呢? The article mentioned at the beginning of the teacher do? 他做的也不错,把一个好学生教到麻木,结果考试考砸。 He has done too bad either, a good student to teach to the numbness, the results of the examination test hit. 硬是把一块美玉雕刻成了没人要的碎砖头。 Simply become a piece of precious jade carving unwanted broken bricks. 这种手法之高明,实在令我惊叹。 This approach is clever, I am amazed.

后来在我给他的回信中写到:“亲爱的朋友,我是不是老师不重要,重要的我了解自己,了解我的朋友,了解你想要什么,即使你是只没人关注的丑小鸭,我也有办法把你变成白天鹅。” Later in my reply to him wrote: "Dear friends, I am not a teacher is not important, it is important I understand myself, understand my friend, know what you want, even if you are not only ugly people are concerned about the small Ap, I also have the means to take you into the White Swan. "

看了我的回信,他重新调整准备来年再考。 Read my reply, he re-adjusted to prepare the coming year again.

今年盛夏的时候,他家门前的小院响起了“金榜题名”的鞭炮声…… This summer when his family broke the small courtyard in front of the "金榜题名" sound of firecrackers ... ...