



��If you ask him,he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。
��If you fail in the exam,you will let him down.如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。
��If you have finished the homework, you can go home.如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。

��If I were you,I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。
��I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.要不是交通堵塞,我本会来得早一些。 那么,除了if之外,是否还有其他连词可以引导条件状语从句呢?回答是肯定的。不仅有,还有很多。这些词由于出现的频率小,且用法较复杂一些,所以不如if为大家所熟知罢了。下面就这些词的用法做一介绍。

��1.unless conj.除非;若不;如果不……;除非在……时候
��You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。
�Unless bad weather stops me,I go for a walk every morning.除非天气不好,我每天早晨都要去散步。

��I won't loan you unless you are in extreme need of money.若不是你急需用钱,我不会借钱给你的。

��2.on condition that...只有在……条件下,以……为条件
��on condition引导的条件从句是主句中事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件。
��I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。

��You can pass the custom on condition that we have checked your luggage.你可以通过海关,但条件是我们得检查完你的行李。

��3.supposing conj.假若,倘若
��supposing 引导的从句表示一种假设条件。
��Supposing it rains,shall we continue the sports meeting?倘若下雨,我们的运动会还会继续进行吗?

��Supposing the stocks of food run out,what shall we do?假若储备的食品都吃光了,我们怎么办呢?

��4.given conj.倘若;假使
��"given +that从句"表示一种假设条件。

��Given that she was really involved in the case,it was hard for her to clear herself�ofacharge.倘若她真的卷入那个案子,她很难证明自己无所控之罪行。

��Given that she was really interested in children, teaching was a proper career for her.倘若她真的对孩子感兴趣,教师这一职业对她来说很合适。

��5.provided conj.假若

� "provided +(that)从句"表示一种假设条件。

��He will sign the contact provided we offer more favorable terms.如果我们提出更优惠的条件,他就会在合同上签字。



虚拟语气用在条件状语从句中,通常从句由连词if 引导。


条件状语从句 主句
If +主语 +动词过去式 主语+ would, should, could, might+原形动词


If I feared death, I wouldn’t be a communist.


If there were no air, we couldn’t live.



I would ask George to lend us the money if I ______ him.

A. had known B. knew C. have known D. know

I _____ it to him if I thought he would understand.

A. shall explain B. will explain C. would explain D. explain



条件状语从句 主句
If + 主语 + 动词过去完成式 主语 + would, should, could, might+have + 过去分词


If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.


If there had been no air in the tube, the result of the experiment would have been more accurate.



If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night, _______.

A. you would meet John already

B. you won’t have missed John

C. you will have met John

D. you would have met John



条件状语从句 主句
If + 主语+ should +原形动词 主语+would,should,could,might或were+不定式+原形动词


If he were to come tomorrow, things would be easier.


If the sand should be broken up, it would give out much energy.



If he make the design, he might do it in some other way.



If the sea ____ to rise 50 feet, India would become an island.

A. will B. is C. was D. were

If you ____ to see Mary, what would you tell her?

A. are B. will be going C. must D. were

We might still catch the train if we ___.

A. make hurry B. haste

C. make haste D. hastily



If I had met him before, I could recognize him.要是我以前遇见过他,我就能认出他了。


If we were driving at a speed of 100 Li an hour, we would have arrived there 2 hours ago. 如果我们的行车速度每小时100里,两小时以前我们就会到达那里了。



If you _____ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy.

A. haven’t watched

B. didn’t watch

C. hadn’t watched

D. wouldn’t have watched


在条件状语从句中,如果有were, should, had,可以把连词if 省去,把 were, should, had 放在句首,构成条件意义。例如:

Should it rain tomorrow, what would you do? 万一明天下雨,你怎么办?

Were there no friction, we could not walk. 要是没有摩擦力,我们就不能行走。

Had we known about the new method, we should have applied it earlier.



Had Alice been more hardworking, she _______.

A. had not failed B. would not fail

C. could not be failed D. would not have failed

_______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving

C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves

______ difficulties, we would be successful.

A. Should we overcome B. Would we overcome

C. Might we overcome D. Could we overcome




That would be fine. 那太好了。(省去了if you would come 或类似条件)

I wouldn’t pass up the chance to visit China. 我不会放弃访问中国的机会。

We might have produced more coal. 我们可能生产出更多煤炭。



If only she were here. 假如她在这儿该多好啊!

If only he lived! 假如他活着该多好啊!

If only I had known it before. 如果我早先知道这件事,那就好了。


If only it _____! but it is too late.

A. is avoided B. has avoided

C. could be avoided D. can be avoided

If only everything _____ out as we wanted it to in life!

A. is working B. worked

C. works D. has worked

条件状语从句表示条件, 现将其在高考卷中的常见引导词介绍如下:

1. if 表示正面的条件, 意为“如果”; unless (=if not) 表示负面的条件, 意为“除非, 如果不”。例如: If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你请求他, 他会帮助你。// If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. 要是你早来几分钟就碰到他了。(本例句属于第8章中介绍过的以虚拟语气表示非真实条件句的情况。) // He is sure to come unless he has some urgent business. 他一定会来, 除非他有急事。

2. in case, on condition that, providing, provided (that), supposing, suppose (that)等词汇意思相近, 指“假如, 假使, 在……条件下”(比if更为书面化)。例如: In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来的话, 告诉我一声。// I shall give you my dictionary on condition that you return it tomorrow. 我将把我的字典给你, 如果你明天要还的话。 // I will go, providing/provided (that) my expenses are paid. 只要我的费用有人付, 我就去。 // Suppose/Supposing (that) he does not come, what shall we do? 他要是不来, 我们该怎么办?

3. as long as (=so long as) 表示充分必要条件, 引导语气强烈的条件状语从句时, 意为“只要”。例如: I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time. 只要及时告诉我, 我就会合作。 // You may use the book so long as you will return it on time. 只要你准时还, 你就可以借这本书。

〔考题1〕 Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ____ they are not managed carefully. (2007上海)

A. though B. before C. until D. if

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 根据全句意思, “they are not managed carefully”应表示一种假设, 因此下划线处应选用if引导条件状语从句。

〔考题2〕 In time of serious accidents, ____ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives. (2006重庆)

A. whether B. until C. if D. unless

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 本题应选意为“如果”的if表示假设。

〔考题3〕 I would appreciate it ____ you call back this afternoon for the doctor’s appointment. (2003上海春)

A. until B. if C. when D. that

〔答案〕 B

〔解析〕 本题应选意为“如果”的if表示假设。

〔考题4〕 It is known to all that ____ you exercise regularly, you won’t keep good health. (2005重庆)

A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if

〔答案〕 A

〔解析〕 本题应选意为“如果不, 除非”的unless表示假设。

〔考题5〕 Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but ____ they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest. (2007湖南)

A. why B. how C. unless D. where

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 综合整句的意思, 下划线处应表示“除非……”含义的假设。

〔考题6〕 You will succeed in the end ____ you give up halfway. (2001上海春)

A. even if B. as though C. as long as D. unless

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 本题应选意为“如果不, 除非”的unless表示假设。注意: even if表示“即使”, as though表示“好像”, as long as表示“只要”, 填入下划线都讲不通。

〔考题7〕 John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ____ he phones. (2000北京、 安徽春)

A. as long as B. in order that

C. in case D. so that

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 本题应选in case表示假设。注意: in order that, so that都表示目的, 不符合题干的语境; 题干中表示推测的“John may phone tonight.”表明说话人对约翰打电话过来没有太大的把握性, 不适合采用语气强烈的as long as表示假设。

〔考题8〕 — I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.

— Oh, ____ I won’t wait. (2005浙江)

A. no doubt B. after all C. in that case D. in this way

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 本题应选in that case表示假设。

〔考题9〕 ____ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. (2003北京)

A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 本题应选意为“只要”的as long as表示语气强烈的假设。
第1个回答  2009-01-23

If you ask him, he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。

If you fail in the exam, you will let him down.如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。


If I were you, I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。

I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.如果没有堵车,我会到的早一点儿。


1. unless conj.除非,若不,除非在……的时候

You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。

Unless it rains, the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。

2. on condition(that)...在……条件下,如果

on condition (that)...引导的条件从句是主句事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件。

I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。

You can go swimming on condition (that) you don't go too far from the river bank.你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以下水游泳。

3. supposing conj.如果,假如


Supposing it rains, shall we continue the sports meeting?倘若下雨,我们的运动会还要继续举行吗?

Supposing something should go wrong, what would you do then?假如出了什么问题,你准备怎么对付?

4. provided conj.假如,除非,以……为条件

provided (that) +从句表示一种假设条件。

He will sign the contract provided we offer more favorable terms.如果我们提出更优惠的条件,他就会在合同上签字。

He won't be against us in the meeting provided that we ask for his advice in advance.如果我们提前征求一下他的意见,他就不会在会上反对我们。

从上述例句可以看出if, unless, on condition (that), supposing, provided等词引导的条件状语从句,主从句条件关系分明,结构清晰。但有些句子,虽没有含条件关系的连词,却也隐含着条件关系,这些句子常用一些词,如but for, without等引出一个介词结构来表示条件,条件常常是虚拟的,或与事实相反的假设。如:

but for若非,要不是

But for the rain, we should have a pleasant journey.要不是下雨,我们的旅行肯定会很愉快。

But for your help,we should not have finished in time.要不是你帮忙,我们肯定不能及时完成任务。

连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。.
if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。

unless = if not.
Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.
If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.

You will be late ___ you leave immediately.
A. unless B. until C. if D. or
答案A。 句意:除非你立即走,否则你就回迟到的。可转化为 If you dong leave immediately, you will be late. B、D句意不对,or表转折,句子如为 You leave immediately or you will be late.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-01-23
经典语句:If it dosen't rain tomorrow,we will go to the zoo.
常用if ,in case , on condition等词来引导
连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。.
固定搭配:unless = if...not.
e.g. Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.
If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.
if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种:
如:If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picnic.
If I were you, I would go with him.
if wrless,on condition that
so/as long as只要
由as (so) long as, in case引导。
So long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter what you do.
You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean.
Take your umbrella in case it rains.
第3个回答  2019-05-12
第4个回答  2009-01-28