
Young businessman has bright future
KYLE Bogert is 13. The US boy wears a suit and a tie and carries a briefcase.
Is he a businessman? In fact, Kyle is.
Kyle has 11 gum machines. The machines sell gum automatically. Kyle puts them in shops. People come to the shop. They see the machine and buy gum from it.
Kyle started the business when he was 7. He borrowed money from his parents to buy his first machine.
Kyle also sells kids' toys. His big seller right now is a marshmallow shooter. The toy gun shoots small marshmallows. Kyle is the inventor, maker and seller of the toy.
The gun is popular at the Kyle's Middle School. So far, he's sold about 600.
Kyle with his gumball machine and a just-popped bubble.
Hi, my name is Choy Hiu Chun Mattew. You can call me Matthew. I am 12 years old. I study in Whitgift School in London, UK. I'll tell you the fun things I do in this country.

凯利.宝格特 13岁,这个美国男孩穿着西装 打着领带 拿着公文包。他是一个商人吗?事实上,他是。
嗨!我叫Choy Hiu Chun Mattew 你可以叫我Matthew。今年12岁 我在伦敦的Whitgift上学。我会告诉你我在这个国家每天好玩的事
第1个回答  2009-01-20
so many