



  1. -----_____________? ------It’s near the bank.

  A. Where are the parks B. Is there a park on the bank

  C. Where is the park D. Are there any parks on the bank

  2.She washes clothes every day. Look! She _________ again.

  A. is watching B. is washing C. washes D. watches

  3. The pay phone is ________ the hotel.

  A. next B. between C. across from D. close

  4. I’d like a _______, because I like taking photos.

  A. camera B. TV C. CD D. dictionary

  5. ---- Where are Mary and Jim? ----- They _____ in the library.

  A. are singing B. are reading C. are sleeping D. are talking

  6. ----Where do you live?----- ________, U. K.

  A. We live in New York B. I live in Toronto

  C. We live in London D. I live in Chongqing

  7.---- ___________ ? ----Because it is very cute.

  A. What do you think of the elephant B. Why do you like lions

  C. How do you like the lions D. Why do you like the elephant

  8. Zhang Liangying is a pop ______. I often listen to her _______ English songs.

  A. writer; write B. singer; sing C. worker; work D. teacher; teach

  9. ---- Did you have breakfast this morning?

  -----________. So now I am so hungry.

  A. Yes, I did B. No, I am not C. No, I didn’t D. Yes, I am

  10. ---- What does your brother like? ---- _____________.

  A. He is a doctor B. He studies hard

  C. He likes the basketball D. He is tall and strong

  11. ---- What size bowl of noodles would you like ? ------ ______________.

  A. I ’ d like a medium one B. I’d like beef noodles

  C. Yes, please D. No, thanks

  12. I really enjoy ________ for many interesting things on the computer.

  A. finding B. look C. find D. looking

  13. _________ some milk on the table.

  A. There are B. There have C. There is D. There has

  14. ---- __________ ? ----She is a nurse.

  A. Who is your mother B. What does your mother do

  C. What is your mother doing D. Where does your mother work

  15. They have to do ________ homework on weekends, so they are very tired on Monday and sleeping in class.

  A. too many B. too much C. a little D. a few

  16. ----What did you do ________ ? ----I went to the movies with my friends.

  A. yesterday B. over the weekend C. last Sunday afternoon D. A, B and C

  17. On weekends I am not happy, because I _____ clean my room and I can’t go out to play.

  A . can B. can’t C. have to D. don’t have to

  18. ---- _____ does Lily go to school every day? ---- At seven thirty.

  A. Where B. How C. What time D. Why

  19. My mother is 38 years old ______ short curly hair, and she _____ good-looking.

  A. with, is B. has, is C. with, has D. is, has

  20. ----Jack, how was your exam going? ---- ____. I don’t want to tell it to my parents

  A. Great B. Not bad C. Terrible D. Very good

  21. John and I ______ good friends. We like the same color and clothes.

  A. is B. am C. are

  22.——Is that your ruler? —— .Look, my ruler is in my pencil-case.

  A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. No, that isn’t

  23.This is my aunt. name is Mary Smith. What’s my aunt’s family name? _______

  A. His , Smith. B. My aunt’s, Mary. C. Her, Smith.

  24.---- What color is this T—shirt? ----- ________________________.

  A. It’s big B. It’s his –shirt C. It’s white

  25. ----Do you like ________? -----Yes, we all like it. And we have _____ Art Festival every year.

  A. drawing, an B. to draw, a C. draw, the

  26. There are _______ months in a year. May is the ________ month of the year.

  A. twelfth, five B. twelve, fifth C. twelve, fiveth

  27. --- Can John play the _____ well? ---- Yes, _______.

  A. basketball, he can B. chess, John can C. piano, he can

  28. --- Happy Birthday to you! ---- _____________.

  A. Thank you very much B. The same to you C. You are welcome

  29. --- Do you have a cousin? --- Yes, I do. Uncle John is his ______.

  A. father B. brother C. grandpa

  30. --- What does Gina like ____ lunch? --- She likes some meat, ____ she likes some fish, too.

  A. at, but B. for, and C. with, also


  Mr Green 1 a bank clerk. He is very 2 . Every day he has to 3 and talk with many people. So after work he’d like __4___ quietly at home.

  Every year he has a long vacation At the ___5__ of the vacation he always takes a good rest and ___6____ a good time with his family. Then he can go out to meet some of his old friends. Last winter, he and his family went to Harbin to see snow, ___ 7___ they don’t often see it here in Chongqing. They ___8___ a week there and really were ___9__ to see the thick(厚的) snow there.

  Their son says,” We hope we are having this kind of activity every year.”

  Then work hard and enjoy ___10___ life!” says Mr. Green.

  1. A. is B. was C. does D. did

  2. A. thin B. heavy C. busy D. free

  3. A. look B. pay C. meet D. listen

  4. A. to laugh B. sitting C. laughing D. to sit

  5. A. begin B. beginning C. close D. closing

  6. A. have B. take C. has D. takes

  7. A. and B. but C. so D. because

  8. A. took B. spent C. waited D. paid

  9. A. surprised B. interested C. surprising D. interesting

  10. A. you B. your C. my D. me



  Look! This is our classroom. The man with a beard is our English teacher, Mr Li. I think he is very clever because he has little hair. Who is that boy next to the window? He is David. David is English. He came to China last year. His best friend Mingming sits behind Meimei. Meimei is a beautiful girl. She has short and curly hair. Her eyes are very big. She looks like a doll. And who is the tall girl? Can you guess? It’s me, Tina!

  1. My name is Tina.

  2. Mr Li has little hair.

  3. Mingming is an English boy.

  4. Meimei is very short.

  5. David came to China last year.

  B. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

  It’s Sunday today. Li Ming and his parents go to a house of noodles for lunch. The waiter shows them the menu.


  Name Mixture (配料) Price(yuan)

  Special I onions, potatoes, beef, broccoli 8.0

  Special II cabbage, tomatoes, mutton 7.0

  Special III tomatoes, eggs, onions 6.0

  porridge 2.0

  orange juice 3.0

  green tea 3.0

  ice cream 5.0

  Li Ming’s father orders Special I and a cup of green tea. His mother orders Special III and two bowls of porridge. Li Ming orders Special II and an ice cream.

  6. What’s the time?

  A. About 7o’clock in the morning. B. About 12 o’clock at noon.

  C. About 6 o’clock in the evening. D. About 12 in the evening.

  7. If they don’t like tomatoes, they can choose _______.

  A. Special I B. Special II C. Special III D. Nothing.

  8. Li Hua has 9 yuan, and she doesn’t like onions. What can she order?

  A. Special II and orange juice. B. Orange juice and Special III.

  C. Special II and porridge. D. Both A and B.

  9. What does Li Ming like for lunch today?

  A. Beef. B. Mutton. C. Meat. D. Chicken.

  10. Whose (谁的) lunch is the most (最) expensive?

  A. Father’s. B. Mother’s. C. Li Ming’s. D. We can’t see.

  C. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

  Roy is a school boy. He often goes out to play after school. But he never gets home late for supper. It was his eleventh birthday last Friday, but his parents didn’t see him at supper time. They waited and waited, but Roy didn’t come. At about seven o’clock, they felt very worried. They had to go out to look for their son here and there, but they didn’t see him. At last, they went to the police station for help. To their surprise, when they came back home, they saw Roy sitting at the supper table, enjoying his birthday cake. “Why didn’t you come upstairs(上楼) to watch TV with me?” said Roy when he saw his parents.

  11. Roy often after school.

  A. does his homework B. watches TV

  C. goes out to play D. gets home late

  12. Roy is this year.

  A. 11 B. 10 C. 9 D. 12

  13. What’s the Chinese meaning of the word worried

  A. 气愤的 B. 疲倦的. C. 高兴的 D.担心的

  14. Roy’s parents went to for help.

  A. school B. the police station C. the teacher’s house D. his friend’s home

  15. Which of the following is right?

  A. Roy went out to play with hid friends on his birthday.

  B. Roy came back before 7 that evening but his parents didn’t know.

  C. Roy’ parents went to the police station and found Joy there.

  D. Joy was upstairs and ate the birthday cake himself. BLUE SKY HOTEL


  150 rooms

  Two restaurants(24hr.)

  Swimming pool

  Near the downtown

  156 Xinlin Road

  Tel: (0471) 740-5386

  Fax: (0471) 840-5181

  16.There are _________________ rooms in the Blue Sky Hotel.

  17.The restaurants are open for _____________________.

  18.The Blue Sky Hotel is at __________________________.

  19.If you want to book a room, you can call ____________________.

  20.You can __________________________ to relax in the Blue Sky Hotel.


  There is are on see cleans but of on bedroom

  This is Xiao Hua's___1___ It is not very big, ___2___it is bright (明亮的) . Xiao Hua__3___her room every day There ____4___some beautiful (美丽的) flowers There___5___a glass of water ___6___the table. You can ___7____a big picture ____8___the wall. It is the picture ____9___some boys and girls. Under the picture ____10____ is a clock . It shows (显示) twelve fifteen . Xiao Hua likes her bedroom very much .

  Study do at name in in at class watch game

  My ___1___ is Wang Fang. I am a school girl. I ___2___in a middle school. There are many girls ____3____my class. I go to school at seven ____4____ the morning. Classes begin ___5____7∶30. We have four ____6___in the morning and two in the afternoon. I have lunch ____7___school. After school we often play____8____ In the evening I ___9_____my homework . Sometimes I ____10____TV .


  A: I s that your new pen pal?

  B: Yes,it is.

  A: 1__________________________ ?

  B: Her name is Maria.

  A: 2 ____________________________?

  B: She’s from Canada.

  A: 3 ____________________________?

  B: She lives in Toronto.

  A: 4 ______________________________?

  B: Yes, she does. She has two brothers and sisters.

  A: 5 ____________________________?

  B: Yes. She speaks English.


