
上周三是课外活动日,同学们参加啦两项有意义的活动。假如你是其中一员,请根据记录中的内容,写一篇以Out-of-Class Activities Day为题的短文
上午:在校园中种树种花,有美化校园的意义 下午:在操场有接力赛,由此可以提高团队精神


Last Wednesday, we had outside activities. This is an opportunity for us to help the environment and learn to coorperate with each other. During the day, we did a lot of work in terms of those two components. Thank you teachers for giving us an opportunity like this.

In the morning our class planted some trees and flowers in school. By planting plants, we are able to sanitize our environment and also benefit the society in that way by reducing the amount of pollution. In the afternoon, we had relay on the school field. This activity would help us to learn about cooperation. Cooperating with one another will get us to be more involved with eachother and practice teamwork.

After all, everyone had a fun time and we all like it. And we are looking forward to have another day like this!
第1个回答  2009-03-04
第2个回答  2009-03-05
he is myson