谁能帮我把下面英文翻译成中文啊 多谢了 急需?论文要用。。。。。

Bedtime came early for the Toops family at their three-bedroom brick ranch house nestled in a forested valley in Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park. At 8 p.m. Lisa Toops put the three kids to bed. She and Jerry, superintendent of the park, followed soon after. Selfreliant and religious, they were used to a work cycle that more closely followed the sun than the flow of commuter traffic. Jerry was a real “ranger type,” rugged, fit, good with his hands. His outdoorsman’s beard was just beginning to gray at the edges.
The 42-year-old naturalist loved the park, with its strange formations of igneous rock called shut-ins. A billion years ago volcanic activity caused a granite upheaval and confined, or “shut-in,” the Black River in southeast Missouri. Over the ages, the trapped water carved spectacular gorges, natural water slides and potholes in the hard rock. In the summertime, the park was a magnet for swimming, camping and hiking, but now, in the weeks before Christmas, all was quiet

他挣扎着抬着头,用尽全身力气在 水里游着。逆着水流朝松树游去。夜和水一样 漆黑,树的模糊的影子 与乌黑的天空一样。在他朝松树游泳的过程中,他抓住一个树枝,在水里坚持。木头,墙上掉下来的灰泥,垃圾都冲击着他。在他都腰上缠着,好像 船只残骸在大坝的缺口处打转。那些瓦砾使他下沉,他是个经常锻炼 的壮汉,有着粗糙的双手,但是一步一步的,这些 重物和水的力量把他的手拽 开了,他还拽下了一把树叶。

翻译的匆忙,没有润湿,你自己改改词吧,希望能 帮到你
第1个回答  2009-03-09
作者:通过无线呼叫我的M M 。 H序列D RYX
A波水30英尺高纺杰里Toops像旋风。碎片和打断他的殴打。他继续打他的头,用全部力量在他的双腿和上身游泳,垂钓的鬼当前走向线杉树。夜是黑的水,树木模糊阴影对乌木天空。因为他对雪松横扫, Toops抢下肢体和举行。伍德件制品和垃圾抨击他,积累了该男子的腰间像废料对极了防波堤。他在废墟体重下降。他是一个outdoorsman强劲, callused手中,但一寸一寸,体重和力量的水拉他的手下来的树枝,剥叶。
第2个回答  2009-03-09