为丰富学生校园生活,我校举办了一次艺术周活动,活动内容如下: [写作内容] 假设你是校报记者,写一篇

为丰富学生校园生活,我校举办了一次艺术周活动,活动内容如下: [写作内容] 假设你是校报记者,写一篇简讯报道这次活动。你的报道需包括以下的内容:1.本次活动的概况(名称、时间、目的);2 各种活动; 3.效果。[写作要求] 必须使用5个句子表达全部内容。

One possible version:
To enrich the students’ school life, our school held the art week in the first week of October. There were various activities including singing, dancing on the stage, and a game of tug-of-war on the playground. Besides, being environmentally-friendly, the students put waste paper to artistic use and made things such as flowers and cards. The most attractive part of the art week was that some creative students made a map of China with leaves . Thanks to these activities , the students relaxed themselves, learned to be co-operative and above all showed their hidden talents .
